All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- A - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- abatewhitt - Class in jline.lib.ltinversion
- abatewhitt() - Constructor for class jline.lib.ltinversion.abatewhitt
- absEq() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- accessProb - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- accost - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- accurateODESolver - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.ODESolvers
- accurateStiffODESolver - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.ODESolvers
- active - Variable in class jline.lang.Sync
- activities - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- activities - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- Activity - Class in jline.lang.layered
An element modeling an individual service activity
- Activity(LayeredNetwork, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- Activity(LayeredNetwork, String, Distribution) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- Activity(LayeredNetwork, String, Distribution, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- Activity(LayeredNetwork, String, Distribution, String, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- ACTIVITY - Static variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkElement
- ActivityPrecedence - Class in jline.lang.layered
A class modeling precedence relationships among activities
- ActivityPrecedence(boolean, List<Activity>, List<Activity>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence using activity objects instead of strings, assuming PRE_SEQ as preType and POST_SEQ as postType.
- ActivityPrecedence(boolean, List<Activity>, List<Activity>, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence using activity objects instead of strings, assuming POST_SEQ as postType.
- ActivityPrecedence(boolean, List<Activity>, List<Activity>, String, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence using activity objects instead of strings, without preParams and postParams.
- ActivityPrecedence(boolean, List<Activity>, List<Activity>, String, String, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence using activity objects instead of strings, without postParams.
- ActivityPrecedence(boolean, List<Activity>, List<Activity>, String, String, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence using activity objects instead of strings, with all parameters.
- ActivityPrecedence(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence with the specified parameters, assuming PRE_SEQ as preType and POST_SEQ as postType.
- ActivityPrecedence(List<String>, List<String>, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence with the specified parameters, assuming POST_SEQ as postType.
- ActivityPrecedence(List<String>, List<String>, String, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence with the specified parameters, without preParams and postParams.
- ActivityPrecedence(List<String>, List<String>, String, String, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence with the specified parameters, without postParams.
- ActivityPrecedence(List<String>, List<String>, String, String, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Constructs an ActivityPrecedence with the specified parameters.
- ActivityPrecedenceType - Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for defining activity precedences in LayeredNetwork models
- ActivityPrecedenceType() - Constructor for class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- actposttype - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- actpretype - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- actsof - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- actualhitprob - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- actualHitProb - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- actualmissprob - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- actualMissProb - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- add(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- add(double, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- add(UnaryOperator<Apcomplex>...) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.function_wrapper
- add(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- addActivities(Integer[]) - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- addActivity(Activity) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- addCalls(Integer[]) - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- addClass(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.Chain
- addClass(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- addConnection(JobClass, JobClass, Node, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- addConnection(Node, Node) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- addConnection(Node, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- addConnection(Node, Node, JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- addConnection(Node, Node, JobClass, double) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- addConnection(Node, Node, JobClass, JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- addEdge(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.UndirectedGraph
- addEntries(Integer[]) - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- addEntry(Entry) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- addEq(double, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- addEq(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- addHosts(Integer[]) - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- addItemSet(ItemSet) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
Adds an item set to the current list of items
- addJobClass(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- addLink(int, int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- addLink(Node, Node) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- addLinks(Node[][]) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- addMode(String) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- addMode(Mode) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- addNode(Node) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- addNode(Node) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- addPrecedence(List<ActivityPrecedence>) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- addPrecedence(ActivityPrecedence) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- addRegion(List<Node>) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- addStage(int, String, String, Network) - Method in class jline.lang.Env
- addStation(Station) - Method in class jline.lang.Chain
- addTask(Task) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Host
- addTasks(Integer[]) - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- addTransition(int, int, Markovian) - Method in class jline.lang.Env
- addTransition(int, int, Markovian, Env.ResetQueueLengthsFunction) - Method in class jline.lang.Env
- Adj - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult
- afterEvent(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix, EventType, int, boolean) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- afterEvent(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix, EventType, int, boolean, EventCache) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- afterEventHashed(NetworkStruct, int, double, EventType, int) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- AfterEventResult(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.state.State.AfterEventResult
- AfterEventResult(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.state.State.AfterEventResult
- alias(Object...) - Method in class jline.util.MatrixEquation
- allbut(Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
Returns all elements in a matrix except the first ones
- allEqualToOne() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- alpha - Variable in class
- alpha - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.infradius_h
- alpha - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.infradius_hnorm
- AMVAHandler - Class in jline.solvers.mva.handlers
Handler for the solver_amva function.
- AMVAHandler() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.AMVAHandler
- AMVALDHandler - Class in jline.solvers.mva.handlers
Handler for the solver_amvald function
- AMVALDHandler() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.AMVALDHandler
- AN - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- analyze(int, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- analyze(int, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- analyze(int, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverMVAResult) - Method in interface jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.MVAAnalyzer
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverMVAResult) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVAAnalyzer
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverMVAResult) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVABoundAnalyzer
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverMVAResult) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVACacheAnalyzer
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverMVAResult) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVACacheQNAnalyzer
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverMVAResult) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVALDAnalyzer
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverMVAResult) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVAQsysAnalyzer
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverNCResult) - Method in interface
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverNCResult) - Method in class
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverNCResult) - Method in class
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverNCResult) - Method in class
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverNCResult) - Method in class
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverResult) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsAnalyzer
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverResult) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.MatrixMethodAnalyzer
- analyze(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, SolverResult) - Method in interface jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.MethodAnalyzer
- AnalyzerResult(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Map<Integer, Matrix>, double, String, NetworkStruct) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- AndFork(String, List<String>) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing an AND-fork relationship.
- AndFork(String, List<String>, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing an AND-fork relationship with a specified fanout matrix.
- AndJoin(List<String>, String) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing an AND-join relationship.
- AndJoin(List<String>, String, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing an AND-join relationship with a specified quorum matrix.
- any() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Checks if the current matrix has a non-zero element
- APH - Class in jline.lang.processes
An acyclic phase type distribution
- APH - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- APH - Variable in class
- APH(List<Double>, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.APH
- APH(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.APH
- aph_fit(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits an acyclic phase-type (APH) distribution to the given moments of a random variable.
- aph_fit(double, double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits an acyclic phase-type (APH) distribution to the given moments of a random variable.
- aph2_adjust(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Adjusts the second and third moments (M2 and M3) of a distribution using the default "simple" method for fitting an APH(2) distribution.
- aph2_adjust(double, double, double, String) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Adjusts the second and third moments (M2 and M3) of a distribution for fitting an APH(2) distribution.
- aph2_assemble(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Assembles an acyclic phase-type (APH) distribution with two phases (APH(2)) using the given parameters.
- aph2_fit(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits an acyclic phase-type (APH) distribution with two phases (APH(2)) to match the given moments of a random variable.
- aph2_fitall(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits a set of acyclic phase-type (APH) distributions with two phases (APH(2)) to match the given moments of a random variable.
- APH2ndMomentLowerBound(double, int) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- APH3rdMomentLowerBound(double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- APH3rdMomentUpperBound(double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- aphExample1() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- aphExample2() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- aphExample3() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- APHFrom3Moments(double[]) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- APHFrom3Moments(double[], int) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- APHFrom3Moments(double[], int, double) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- APHS - Variable in class
- apply(double[]) - Method in class
- apply(double, double, String) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- apply(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Maths.infradius_h
- apply(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Maths.infradius_hnorm
- apply(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Maths.nrl_h
- apply(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Maths.nrp_h
- applyCsFun(int, int) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.ClassSwitcher
- arrivalProcess - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- ARV - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.EventType
- arvproc_classes_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- ArvR - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- arvRates - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SSAValues
- ashift - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- ASYNC - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.CallType
- asyncCallDests - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- asyncCallMeans - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- asynchCall(String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- asynchCall(String, double) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- asynchCall(Entry) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- asynchCall(Entry, double) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- at(Network) - Method in interface jline.solvers.ln.SolverFactory
- autoAdded - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.ClassSwitch
- averagingstart - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- Avg - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.TRAN
- AVG() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.AVG
- avgHandles - Variable in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- AvgTable - Class in jline.solvers
- AvgTable(ArrayList<List<Double>>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.AvgTable
- AvgTable(Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.AvgTable
- Bernoulli - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Bernoulli distribution
- Bernoulli(double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Bernoulli
- BERNOULLI - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- binaryCheck(long, int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- binom(int, int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.abatewhitt
- Binomial - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Binomial distribution
- Binomial(int, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Binomial
- BINOMIAL - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- BlockingAfterService - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.DropStrategy
- blockProb - Variable in class
- bool - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.SupportResult
- boundTo(String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- boundTo(Entry) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- boundToActivity - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Entry
- boundToEntry - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- Buffer - Class in jline.lang.sections
Input buffer of a station
- Buffer(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Buffer
- buildLayers() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- buildLayersRecursive(int, List<Integer>, boolean) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- buildModel1() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- buildModel2() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- buildModel3() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- buildModel4() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- buildModel5() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- buildModel6() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- BUTOOLS - Class in jline.lib.thirdparty
- BUTOOLS() - Constructor for class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- c - Variable in class
- C - Variable in class
- C - Variable in class
- C - Variable in class
- C - Variable in class
- C - Variable in class
- C - Variable in class
- cache - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- Cache - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A class switch node based on cache hits or misses
- Cache - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Cache(Network, String, int, int, ReplacementStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- Cache(Network, String, int, int, ReplacementStrategy, Matrix[]) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- Cache(Network, String, int, Matrix, ReplacementStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- Cache(Network, String, int, Matrix, ReplacementStrategy, Matrix[]) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- CACHE - Class in jline.api
APIs for stochastic models of caches
- CACHE() - Constructor for class jline.api.CACHE
- cache_erec(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Computes the cache miss rate using an exact recursive method.
- cache_gamma_lp(Matrix[], Matrix[][]) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Computes access factors for the cache.
- cache_miss_rayint(Matrix, Matrix, MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Estimates the cache miss rate and related metrics using the ray method for PDEs.
- cache_mva(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Exact recursive solution of the caching model.
- cache_prob_asy(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Estimate asymptotic values of the cache state probabilities at steady-state.
- cache_prob_erec(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Computes the cache state probabilities using an exact recursive method.
- cache_prob_rayint(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Computes the cache state probabilities using the ray method.
- cache_rayint(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Approximate the normalizing constant of the cache steady state distribution using the ray method.
- cache_t_hlru(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Computes the characteristic time of each list in the TTL approximation of h-LRU.
- cache_t_hlru_aux(double[], Matrix, Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Auxiliary function for cache_t_hlru inner optimization.
- cache_t_lrum(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Computes the characteristic time of each list in the TTL approximation of LRU(m).
- cache_ttl_hlru(Matrix[], Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Solve hierarchical least-recently-used caches h-LRU using the TTL approximation.
- cache_ttl_lrua(Matrix[], Matrix[][], Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
- cache_ttl_lrum(Matrix[], Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Solve multi-list least-recently-used caches LRU(m) using the TTL approximation.
- cache_ttl_lrum_map(Matrix[][], Matrix[][], Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
- cache_xi_bvh(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Computes the cache xi terms using the iterative method used in Gast-van Houdt, SIGMETRICS 2015.
- cache_xi_fp(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
Estimate cache xi terms using a fixed-point algorithm.
- Cache.PopularityKey - Class in jline.lang.nodes
- CacheAccess(String, List<String>) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing a cache access relationship.
- CacheClassSwitcher - Class in jline.lang.sections
A class switcher section recording cache hits and misses
- CacheClassSwitcher(List<JobClass>, int, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- CacheClassSwitcher(List<JobClass>, int, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- CacheClassSwitcher.InputJobClassesObj - Class in jline.lang.sections
- cacheGammaLp(Matrix, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructor for initializing the cacheGammaLpReturn object.
- cacheMissRayInt(double, double[], double[], double[], double) - Constructor for class
- CacheModel - Class in jline.examples
Examples of caching models
- CacheModel() - Constructor for class jline.examples.CacheModel
- cacheMVA(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class
Constructor for initializing the cacheMVAReturn object.
- cacheRayInt(double, double, Matrix) - Constructor for class
Constructor for initializing the cacheRayIntReturn object.
- CacheStrategyMap(ReplacementStrategy) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- CacheTask - Class in jline.lang.layered
A task that offers caching services
- CacheTask(LayeredNetwork, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.CacheTask
- cacheXiFp(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class
Constructor for initializing the cacheXiFpReturn object.
- CALL - Static variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkElement
- call_classes_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- callhashnames - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- callnames - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- callOrder - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- callpair - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- callproc - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- callresidt - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- callresidtproc - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- callsof - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- calltype - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- CallType - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for defining calls in LayeredNetwork models
- cap - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- cap - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Router
- cap - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- cardinality - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.ItemEntry
- cartesian(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
Cartesian product of two matrices.
- CD - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ServiceStrategy
- CDFRespT - Class in jline.examples
Examples of response time distribution analysis.
- CDFRespT() - Constructor for class jline.examples.CDFRespT
- cdscaling - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- ceil() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Computes the matrix resulted from ceiling every member of the current matrix
- ceilEq() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Computes the matrix resulted from ceiling every member of the current matrix
- cell_arvproc_classes_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- cell_call_classes_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- cell_route_prob_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- cell_servt_classes_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- cell_thinkt_classes_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- cell2mat(Map<Integer, Matrix>) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- cellsum(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.MatrixCell
- cellsum(Map<Integer, Matrix>) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Cgamma - Variable in class
- Chain - Class in jline.lang
A class modelling a set of reachable classes for a given job (a chain)
- Chain(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Chain
- Chain(String, List<JobClass>, List<Station>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Chain
- chains - Variable in class jline.lang.Network.routingMatrixReturn
- chains - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- changeSign() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- circul(int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- circul(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- classcap - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- classCap - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- classes - Variable in class jline.lang.Chain
- classes - Variable in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- classIndex - Variable in class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- classIndex - Variable in class jline.lang.OpenClass
- classIndexMap - Variable in class jline.lang.Chain
- classMaxJobs - Variable in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- classMaxMemory - Variable in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- classnames - Variable in class jline.lang.Chain
- classnames - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- classprio - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- classSize - Variable in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- ClassSwitch - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A node that switches the class of an incoming job based on a probability table
- ClassSwitch - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- ClassSwitch(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.ClassSwitch
- ClassSwitch(Network, String, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.ClassSwitch
- ClassSwitcher - Class in jline.lang.sections
A job class switcher based on a static probability table
- ClassSwitcher(List<JobClass>, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.ClassSwitcher
- ClassSwitcher.CSFunInput - Class in jline.lang.sections
- ClassSwitching - Class in jline.examples
Examples of models with class switching
- ClassSwitching() - Constructor for class jline.examples.ClassSwitching
- ClassSwitchMatrix - Class in jline.lang
Class representing a probabilistic routing matrix
- ClassSwitchMatrix(double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ClassSwitchMatrix
- ClassSwitchMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ClassSwitchMatrix
- ClassSwitchMatrix(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ClassSwitchMatrix
- ClassSwitchMatrix(List<Double>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ClassSwitchMatrix
- ClassSwitchMatrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ClassSwitchMatrix
- ClassSwitchMatrix(SimpleMatrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ClassSwitchMatrix
- clearCaches() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- clearState() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.StatefulNode
- CLI - Class in
Command line interface for JAR-based execution
- CLI() - Constructor for class
- clone() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- clone() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- clone() - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- clone() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.JobClassType
- closed2() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ClosedClass - Class in jline.lang
Class where jobs perpetually loop without arriving or leaving (Closed class)
- ClosedClass(Network, String, double, Station) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- ClosedClass(Network, String, double, Station, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- ClosedModel - Class in jline.examples
Examples of closed queueing networks
- ClosedModel() - Constructor for class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- ClosingAndStateDepMethodsAnalyzer - Class in jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers
- ClosingAndStateDepMethodsAnalyzer() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsAnalyzer
- ClosingAndStateDepMethodsODE - Class in jline.solvers.fluid.odes
- ClosingAndStateDepMethodsODE(NetworkStruct, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Matrix>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Matrix>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, MatrixCell>>, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsODE
- ClosingAndStateDepMethodsODE(NetworkStruct, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Matrix>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Matrix>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, MatrixCell>>, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions, int) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsODE
- CMAESObjectiveFunction - Class in jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing
- CMAESObjectiveFunction(Matrix, Network, boolean) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing.CMAESObjectiveFunction
- cme - Class in jline.lib.ltinversion
- cme() - Constructor for class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- CN - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- CN - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- CNt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- CoarseTol - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- col_increase(int, double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- col_vector_add_row_vector(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- colon() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- columnMajorOrder() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Equivalent to the colon operator in MATLAB: (:).
- columnMatrixToDoubleArray(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- compare(Matrix, Matrix, String) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- compare3DArrays(double[][][], double[][][], double) - Static method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- compareMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- compareTo(Pair<T, U>) - Method in class jline.util.Pair
- compatible_sizes_add(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- completes - Variable in class jline.lang.Chain
- completes - Variable in class jline.lang.JobClass
- ComplexMatrix - Class in jline.util
- ComplexMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- ComplexMatrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- ComplexMatrix(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- ComplexMatrix(DMatrixSparseCSC, DMatrixSparseCSC) - Constructor for class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- compress - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- compute_norm_const(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Run a normalizing constant solution method in a load-independent model
- compute_norm_const_ld(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Run a normalizing constant solution method in a load-dependent model
- computeDerivatives(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsODE
- computeDerivatives(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.MatrixMethodODE
- computeWeaklyConnectedComponents() - Method in class jline.util.UndirectedGraph
- concatCols(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Concatenates the columns of two matrices
- concatColumns(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- concatRows(ComplexMatrix, ComplexMatrix, ComplexMatrix) - Static method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- concatRows(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- config - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- Config() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- connmatrix - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- conntasks - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- construct() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- contains(EventCacheKey) - Method in class jline.lang.state.EventCache
- containsJobClass(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- containsJobClass(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- containsJobClass(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.ServiceSection
- ContinuousDistribution - Class in jline.lang.processes
An abstract class for continuous distributions
- ContinuousDistribution(String, int, Pair<Double, Double>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.ContinuousDistribution
- converged(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- converged(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- converged(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- convert_to_arraylist(T[]) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- convert_to_laplace(ArrayList<Double>) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- count(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- countEachRow(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Cox2 - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Coxian distribution with 2 phases.
- Cox2(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Cox2
- COX2 - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- Coxian - Class in jline.lang.processes
A general Coxian distribution with n phases.
- Coxian(List<Double>, List<Double>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- Coxian(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- COXIAN - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- cpos(Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- createBlockDiagonal(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- createLike(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- csFun - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.ClassSwitcher
- CSFunInput(int, int, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.ClassSwitcher.CSFunInput
- cshift - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- csmask - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- CTMC - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- ctmc_makeinfgen(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Normalize the input matrix diagonal to be an infinitesimal generator.
- ctmc_rand(int) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Form a random infinitesimal generator of a CTMC
- ctmc_simulate(Matrix, double[], int) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Form a random infinitesimal generator of CTMC
- ctmc_solve(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Return the steady-state probability of a CTMC.
- ctmc_timereverse(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Compute the infinitesimal generator of the time-reserved CTMC
- ctmc_uniformization(Matrix, Matrix, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Return the transient probability distribution of the CTMC via the uniformization method.
- ctmcExample1() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- CTMCOptions - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- CTMCOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCOptions
- CTMCResult - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- CTMCResult() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- CTMCResult.AVG - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- CTMCResult.Prob - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- CTMCResult.TRAN - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- ctmcSimulation() - Constructor for class
- CtmcSsgResult(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Map<Station, Matrix>, NetworkStruct) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.CtmcSsgResult
- cumSum(double[]) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Cumulative sum of an array, where the value at each index of the result is the sum of all the previous values of the input.
- cumSum(int[]) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Cumulative sum of an array, where the value at each index of the result is the sum of all the previous values of the input.
- cumsumViaCol() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- cumsumViaRow() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- curClass - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN.recurActGraphReturnType
- curClassC - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- customromberg - Class in jline.lib.ltinversion
- customromberg() - Constructor for class jline.lib.ltinversion.customromberg
- cutoff - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- cutoff(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- cyclic(Matrix, Matrix, SchedStrategy[], Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- cyclic_queues - Class in jline.lib.ltinversion
- cyclic_queues() - Constructor for class jline.lib.ltinversion.cyclic_queues
- cyclicFcfs(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- cyclicFcfsInf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- cyclicFcfsInf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- CyclicPolling - Class in jline.examples
Examples of models with polling
- CyclicPolling() - Constructor for class jline.examples.CyclicPolling
- cyclicPs(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- cyclicPsInf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- cyclicPsInf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- d - Variable in class
- d - Variable in class
- D - Variable in class
- D - Variable in class
- D - Variable in class
- D - Variable in class jline.util.PopulationLattice.sprodResult
- D(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- D(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Marked
- D(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- D(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- D(int, int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Marked
- data - Variable in class jline.util.Matrix
- Dchain - Variable in class
- DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.VerboseLevel
- deepcopy(ArrayList<T>) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- deepCopy() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredSolverResult
- deepCopy() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- Delay - Class in jline.lang.nodes
An infinite server station, i.e.
- Delay - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Delay(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Delay
- DEP - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.EventType
- depRates - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SSAValues
- det() - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- det() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Det - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Deterministic distribution taking a single constant value.
- Det(double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Det
- DET - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- detectStiffnessUsingOstrowski(NetworkStruct, Matrix) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsAnalyzer
- diag(double...) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- diagMatrix(Matrix, double[], int, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Disabled - Class in jline.lang.processes
A special distribution to denote disabled service or arrival.
- Disabled() - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.JobClassType
- DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
- DisabledClass - Class in jline.lang
Class of jobs that perpetually loop at a given station
- DisabledClass(Network, String, Station) - Constructor for class jline.lang.DisabledClass
- DiscreteDistribution - Class in jline.lang.processes
An abstract class for discrete distributions.
- DiscreteDistribution(String, int, Pair<Double, Double>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteDistribution
- DiscreteSampler - Class in jline.lang.processes
A class for discrete distributions specified from the probability mass function
- DiscreteSampler(Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- DiscreteSampler(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
Constructs a discrete distribution from a finite probability vector p at the points specified in vector x
- DiscreteUniform - Class in jline.lang.processes
A discrete distribution that samples uniformly among a set of elements.
- DiscreteUniform(double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteUniform
- Dispatcher - Class in jline.lang.sections
Output section that routes jobs to nodes
- Dispatcher(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Dispatcher
- distribC - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluidResult
- distribRuntime - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluidResult
- Distribution - Class in jline.lang.processes
An abstract class of a general distribution
- Distribution(String, int, Pair<Double, Double>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- distributions - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- div(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- divEq(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- divide(double, Matrix, boolean) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- divideEq(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- divideRows(double[], int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- DockerClient - Class in
Client for Docker-based execution
- DockerClient() - Constructor for class
- DocumentSectionPair - Class in jline.solvers.jmt
- DocumentSectionPair(Document, Element) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.jmt.DocumentSectionPair
- DPS - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- DPSPRIO - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- Drop - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.DropStrategy
- DropRate - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- droprule - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- dropRule - Variable in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- dropRule - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- dropStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- dropStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher.InputJobClassesObj
- DropStrategy - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying drop strategies at stations
- dtmc_makestochastic(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Normalize a given non-negative matrix into a DTMC
- dtmc_rand(int) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Form a random infinitesimal generator of a DTMC
- dtmc_solve(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Returns the steady-state solution of a DTMC.
- dtmc_stochcomp(Matrix, List<Integer>) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Returns the stochastic complement of a DTMC
- dtmc_timereverse(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MC
Compute the infinitesimal generator of the time-reversed DTMC.
- DummyMode - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- DUNIFORM - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- E - Variable in class
- E - Variable in class
- EC - Variable in class
- egflinearizer_core(Matrix, int, int, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix[], SchedStrategy[], double, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Core method for the extended general form linearizer.
- egflinearizer_estimate(Matrix, int, int, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix[], Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Estimate method for the extended general form linearizer.
- egflinearizer_forwardMVA(Matrix, int, int, SchedStrategy[], Matrix, Matrix, Matrix[]) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Forward Mean Value Analysis method for the extended general form linearizer.
- eigenvalue() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- eigenvector() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Element - Class in jline.lang
Superclass for model elements
- Element(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Element
- element_divide(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- element_power(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- elementAdd(int[], int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Helper method that adds an integer to every element of an integer array.
- elementDiv(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Performs element-wise division
- ElementDocumentPair - Class in jline.solvers.jmt
- ElementDocumentPair(Element, Document) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.jmt.ElementDocumentPair
- elementIncrease(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- elementMax() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- elementMaxAbs() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- elementMin() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- elementMinNonZero(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- elementMult() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Computes the product of the elements of a row/column vector
- elementMult(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- elementMult(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- elementMultWithVector(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Performs element-wise multiplication Note that B is a row vector, and the result is A_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n A_{ij} * B(i)
- elementPower(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- elementSum() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- enableChecks - Variable in class jline.solvers.Solver
- enabling - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- Enabling - Class in jline.lang.sections
A section that models enabling conditions in a stochastic Petri net transition
- Enabling() - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Enabling
- Enabling(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Enabling
- enablingConditions - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- ensemble - Variable in class jline.lang.Ensemble
- ensemble - Variable in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- Ensemble - Class in jline.lang
A model defined by a collection of sub-models
- Ensemble(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Ensemble
- Ensemble(List<Network>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Ensemble
- EnsembleSolver - Class in jline.solvers
- EnsembleSolver(String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- EnsembleSolver(Ensemble, String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- EnsembleSolver(Ensemble, String, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- entries - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- entries - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- entriesof - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- Entry - Class in jline.lang.layered
Service exposed by a Task object
- Entry(LayeredNetwork, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Entry
- ENTRY - Static variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkElement
- env - Variable in class jline.lang.Env
- Env - Class in jline.lang
An environment model defined by a collection of network sub-models coupled with an environment transition rule that selects the active sub-model.
- Env(String, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Env
- ENV - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- Env.ResetEnvRatesFunction - Interface in jline.lang
- Env.ResetQueueLengthsFunction - Interface in jline.lang
- EnvOptions - Class in jline.solvers.env
- EnvOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.env.EnvOptions
- Eprime - Variable in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache.PopularityKey
- equals(Object) - Method in class jline.lang.state.EventCacheKey
- equals(Object) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- erf(double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- Erlang - Class in jline.lang.processes
An Erlang-n distribution with n phases.
- Erlang(double, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- ERLANG - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- ErlangB(double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.LOSSN
Calculates the Erlang B formula for a given arrival rate and capacity.
- ErlangC(double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Calculates the probability that an arriving customer is forced to join the queue (i.e., all servers are occupied) in an M/M/k system.
- erlangExample1() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- erlangExample2() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- erlangExample3() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- error - Variable in class
- eshift - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- eta - Variable in class
- euler - Class in jline.lib.ltinversion
- euler() - Constructor for class jline.lib.ltinversion.euler
- ev - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.generatorResult
- evalACFT(int[], double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkovModulated
- evalACFT(int[], double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Bernoulli
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Binomial
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteUniform
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- evalCDF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
Evaluates the cumulative distribution function at t
- evalCDF(double[]) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- evalCDF(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Bernoulli
- evalCDF(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Binomial
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.APH
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.ContinuousDistribution
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
- evalLST(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- evalMeanT(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- evalMeanT(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- evalPDF(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- evalPMF() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- evalPMF() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
- evalPMF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteDistribution
- evalPMF(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
- evalPMF(double[]) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteDistribution
- evalPMF(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Bernoulli
- evalPMF(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Binomial
- evalPMF(List<Double>) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteDistribution
- evalPMF(List<Double>) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- evalPMF(List<Double>) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
Evaluates the probability mass function at t
- evalProbInterval(double, double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- evalVarT(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- event - Variable in class jline.lang.Event
- event - Variable in class jline.lang.state.EventCacheKey
- Event - Class in jline.lang
Class abstracting an event within a Network model
- Event(EventType, int, int, double, Matrix, double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Event
- Event(EventType, int, int, SerializableFunction<Pair<Map<Node, Matrix>, Map<Node, Matrix>>, Double>, Matrix, double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Event
- eventcache - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- EventCache - Class in jline.lang.state
A class storing events
- EventCache(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jline.lang.state.EventCache
- EventCacheKey - Class in jline.lang.state
A data structure acting as a key to the EventCache
- EventCacheKey(int, Matrix, EventType, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jline.lang.state.EventCacheKey
- eventFilt - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- eventFilt - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.generatorResult
- eventFilt - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.symbolicResult
- EventFiltration - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- EventResult(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- EventType - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying events
- ex1() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex10() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex11() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex2() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex3() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex4() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex5() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex6() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex7() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex8() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- ex9() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- example_cacheModel_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.CacheModel
- example_cacheModel_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.CacheModel
- example_cacheModel_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.CacheModel
- example_cacheModel_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.CacheModel
- example_cacheModel_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.CacheModel
- example_cdfRespT_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.CDFRespT
- example_cdfRespT_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.CDFRespT
- example_cdfRespT_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.CDFRespT
- example_cdfRespT_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.CDFRespT
- example_cdfRespT_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.CDFRespT
- example_classSwitch_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClassSwitching
- example_closedModel_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_6() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_7fcfs() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_7lcfspr() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_7ps() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_8() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_closedModel_9() - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- example_cyclicPolling_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.CyclicPolling
- example_cyclicPolling_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.CyclicPolling
- example_cyclicPolling_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.CyclicPolling
- example_cyclicPolling_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.CyclicPolling
- example_forkJoin_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_10() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_11() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_12() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_13() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_6() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_7() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_8() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_9() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_cs() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_nested() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_forkJoin_series() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- example_initState_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.InitState
- example_initState_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.InitState
- example_initState_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.InitState
- example_layeredModel_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.LayeredModel
- example_layeredModel_1() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- example_layeredModel_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.LayeredModel
- example_layeredModel_2() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- example_layeredModel_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.LayeredModel
- example_layeredModel_3() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- example_layeredModel_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.LayeredModel
- example_layeredModel_4() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- example_layeredModel_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.LayeredModel
- example_layeredModel_5() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- example_layeredModel_6() - Static method in class jline.examples.LayeredModel
- example_layeredModel_6() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- example_layeredModel_7() - Static method in class jline.examples.LayeredModel
- example_layeredModel_7() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- example_loadDependent_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.LoadDependent
- example_loadDependent_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.LoadDependent
- example_loadDependent_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.LoadDependent
- example_loadDependent_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.LoadDependent
- example_loadDependent_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.LoadDependent
- example_misc_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Misc
- example_misc_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.Misc
- example_misc_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.Misc
- example_misc_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.Misc
- example_mixedModel_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.MixedModel
- example_mixedModel_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.MixedModel
- example_mixedModel_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.MixedModel
- example_mixedModel_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.MixedModel
- example_mixedModel_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.MixedModel
- example_openModel_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.OpenModel
- example_openModel_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.OpenModel
- example_openModel_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.OpenModel
- example_openModel_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.OpenModel
- example_openModel_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.OpenModel
- example_openModel_6() - Static method in class jline.examples.OpenModel
- example_openModel_6() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- example_prio_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Prio
- example_prio_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.Prio
- example_prio_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.Prio
- example_randomEnvironment_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.RandomEnvironment
- example_randomEnvironment_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.RandomEnvironment
- example_randomEnvironment_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.RandomEnvironment
- example_rlRouting_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.RLRouting
- example_rlRouting_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.RLRouting
- example_rlRouting_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.RLRouting
- example_stateDependentRouting_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.StateDepRouting
- example_stateDependentRouting_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.StateDepRouting
- example_stateDependentRouting_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.StateDepRouting
- example_stateProbabilities_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.StateProbabilities
- example_stateProbabilities_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.StateProbabilities
- example_stateProbabilities_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.StateProbabilities
- example_stateProbabilities_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.StateProbabilities
- example_stateProbabilities_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.StateProbabilities
- example_stateProbabilities_6() - Static method in class jline.examples.StateProbabilities
- example_stochPetriNet_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.StochPetriNet
- example_stochPetriNet_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.StochPetriNet
- example_switchoverTimes_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.SwitchoverTimes
- exp() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Exp - Class in jline.lang.processes
An exponential distribution.
- Exp(double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- EXP - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- expandMatrix(int, int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- expandMatrixToSquare() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- expm() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Adapted from jblas and IHMC Original documentation:
- expm(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- EXT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- extract(Matrix, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- extract(Matrix, int, int, int, int, Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- extractColumn(Matrix, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- extractColumns(Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- extractColumns(Matrix, int, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- extractDiag(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- extractRows(ComplexMatrix, int, int, ComplexMatrix) - Static method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- extractRows(Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- extractRows(Matrix, int, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- eye(int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- fact() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- fact(double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- fact(int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- factln() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- factln(double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- factln(int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- factln(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
Computes log(x!) of all elements x of the input matrix
- factorial(int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.abatewhitt
- fanIn - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- fanout - Variable in class
- fanOut - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- fastODESolver - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.ODESolvers
- fastStiffODESolver - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.ODESolvers
- FCFS - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- FCRMemOcc - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- FCRWeight - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- featSupported - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.SupportResult
- FeatureSet - Class in jline.lang
Class representing the features of a particular solver
- FeatureSet() - Constructor for class jline.lang.FeatureSet
- featUsed - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.SupportResult
- FIFO - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
- FILE_FORMAT - Static variable in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- fileName - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- fileName - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- filePath - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- filePath - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- fill(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- find() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- findCC(int, boolean[], Set<Integer>) - Method in class jline.util.UndirectedGraph
- findIndexWithZeroSum(Matrix, boolean) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- findNonNegative() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- findNonZeroRowsInColumn(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- findNumber(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- findPaths(NetworkStruct, Matrix, int, int, int, ArrayList<Integer>, Matrix, Matrix, double, Matrix, Matrix, Network) - Static method in class jline.api.FJ
Finds the response times along each path leading out of startNode up to (and not including) endNode
- findPathsCS(NetworkStruct, Matrix, int, int, int, ArrayList<Integer>, Matrix, Matrix, double, Matrix, Matrix, Network) - Static method in class jline.api.FJ
Finds the response times along each path leading out of curNode up to (and not including) endNode Variant for models with class switching
- findPStarValues(Network, Matrix) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing.PStarSearcher
- findRows(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- findString(Map<Integer, String>, String) - Static method in class jline.util.Utils
- findZero() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- FineTol - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- finish() - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- finish() - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- finish() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- FiniteCapacityRegion - Class in jline.lang
Collection of stations with constraints on the number of admitted jobs
- FiniteCapacityRegion(List<Node>, List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- fireweight - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- firing - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- Firing - Class in jline.lang.sections
Output section that models the process of firing for a transition in a Stochastic Petri net model
- Firing(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Firing
- FIRING - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
- firingid - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- firingOutcomes - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- firingphases - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- firingprio - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- firingPriorities - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- firingproc - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- firingprocid - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- firingWeights - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- first_norm(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- fit(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.APH
- fitAPH() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- fitCentral(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.APH
- fitCentral(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Cox2
- fitCentral(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- fitCentralAndACFDecay(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- fitCentralAndACFLag1(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- fitCentralAndIDC(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- fitMean(double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Cox2
- fitMean(double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- fitMeanAndOrder(double, long) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.APH
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Cox2
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
Fit distribution with given mean and squared coefficient of variation (SCV=variance/mean^2)
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- fitMeanAndSCV(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- fitMeanAndSCVBalanced(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
Fit distribution with given squared coefficient of variation and balanced means i.e., p/mu1 = (1-p)/mu2
- fitMeanAndStdDev(double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- fitRate(double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- fitRawMomentsAndACFDecay(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- fitRawMomentsAndACFLag1(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- fitRawMomentsAndIDC(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- fj - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- FJ - Class in jline.api
API for the methods used to deal with fork-join (FJ) systems, especially in the MVA solver.
- FJ() - Constructor for class jline.api.FJ
- fj_auxiliary_delays - Variable in class
- FJApprox(Network, Matrix, Matrix, Map<Integer, Integer>, Map<Integer, Integer>) - Constructor for class
- FJAuxClassKey(int, int) - Constructor for class
- fjclassmap - Variable in class
- fjforkmap - Variable in class
- FJQLen - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- FJRespT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- FJsortForks(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- FLUID - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- FluidFundamentalMatrices(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Double, Integer, String) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- FluidOptions - Class in jline.solvers.fluid
- FluidOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.FluidOptions
- fname - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- force - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- Fork - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A node that forks an incoming job into a set of sibling tasks
- Fork - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Fork(Network) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Fork
- Fork(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Fork
- FORK - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- fork_join - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- Forker - Class in jline.lang.sections
Output section that forks incoming jobs into sibling tasks
- Forker(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Forker
- ForkJoinModel - Class in jline.examples
Examples of models with fork-join subsystems
- ForkJoinModel() - Constructor for class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- form3DarrayFromFile(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- fromArray2D(double[][]) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- fromArray2D(int[][]) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- fromDistribution(Distribution) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- fromLINEString(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- fromMarginal(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- fromMarginalAndRunning(Network, int, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- fromMarginalAndRunning(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- fromMarginalAndRunning(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix, Matrix, boolean) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- fromMarginalAndStarted(Network, int, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- fromMarginalAndStarted(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- fromMarginalAndStarted(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix, Matrix, Boolean) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- fromMarginalBounds(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix, double, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- fromText(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- function_wrapper - Class in jline.lib.ltinversion
Function wrapper class, allowing us to add and multiply using the complex high-precision Apcomplex by overriding UnaryOperator Code was adapted from ...
- function_wrapper() - Constructor for class jline.lib.ltinversion.function_wrapper
- FWD - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.CallType
- G - Variable in class
- G - Variable in class
- G - Variable in class
- G - Variable in class
- G - Variable in class
- Gallery - Class in jline.examples
Gallery of simple and classical queueing models
- Gallery() - Constructor for class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_aphm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_coxm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_cqn() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_cqn(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_cqn(int, boolean) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_cqn(int, boolean, long) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_cqn_multiclass() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_cqn_multiclass(int, int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_cqn_multiclass(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_cqn_multiclass(int, int, boolean, long) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_dm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_erldk() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_erldk(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_erlerl1_reentrant() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_erlerl1_reentrant(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_erlm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_erlm1_ps() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_erlm1_reentrant() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_gamm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hyperl1_feedback() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hyperl1_reentrant() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hyperlk() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hyperlk(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hyphyp1_linear() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hyphyp1_linear(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hyphyp1_linear(int, Double) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hyphyp1_reentrant() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hyphyp1_tandem() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hypm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_hypm1_reentrant() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mapm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mapm1(MAP) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mapmk() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mapmk(MAP) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mapmk(MAP, int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mdk() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mdk(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_merl1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_merl1_linear() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_merl1_linear(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_merl1_linear(int, Double) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_merl1_reentrant() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_merl1_tandem() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_merlk() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_merlk(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mhyp1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mhyp1_linear() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mhyp1_linear(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mhyp1_linear(int, Double) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mhyp1_reentrant() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mhyp1_tandem() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mhypk() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mhypk(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_feedback() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_feedback(double) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_linear() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_linear(Integer) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_linear(Integer, Double) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_multiclass() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_prio() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_ps() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_ps_feedback() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_ps_feedback(double) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_ps_multiclass() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_ps_reentrant() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_reentrant() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_tandem() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_tandem(Double) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mm1_tandem_multiclass() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mmap1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mmap1(MAP) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mmap1_multiclass() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mmap1_multiclass(MAP, MAP) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mmapk() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mmapk(MAP, int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mmk() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mmk(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_mpar1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_parm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_repairmen() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_repairmen(int) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_repairmen(int, long) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_replayerm1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_replayerm1(String) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gallery_um1() - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- gamma - Variable in class
- gamma - Variable in class
- Gamma - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Gamma distribution.
- Gamma(double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- GAMMA - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- gammaFunction(double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- gaverstehfest - Class in jline.lib.ltinversion
- gaverstehfest() - Constructor for class jline.lib.ltinversion.gaverstehfest
- generateClassLinks() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- generateGraph() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- generateTargetQueueLengths(Network) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing.PStarSearcher
- generatorResult(Matrix, Map<Integer, Matrix>, Map<Integer, Sync>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.generatorResult
- genHarmonic(double, int) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
Generate harmonic numbers to normalize a Zipf-like distribution on n items with shape s
- Geometric - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Geometric distribution.
- Geometric(double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
- GEOMETRIC - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- get(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.AvgTable
- get(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- get(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- get(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- get(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- get(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- get(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- get(int) - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- get(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- get(int) - Method in class jline.util.MatrixCell
- get(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- get(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- get(JobClass, JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- get(EventCacheKey) - Method in class jline.lang.state.EventCache
- getAccessProb(int, int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getACF(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getACFDecay() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkovModulated
- getACFDecay(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getActivities() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- getAlfa() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getAllSolvers(Network) - Static method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getalpha(int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.euler
- getalpha(int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.gaverstehfest
- getalpha(int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.talbot
- getAnalyzedSamples() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getArrivalDistribution(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- getArrivalProcess(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- getArvproc_classes_updmap() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getArvR() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- getArvR() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- getArvR() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- getArvR() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- getArvRates() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMCResult
- getAttribute() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- getAttribute() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getAttribute() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getAvg() - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- getAvg() - Method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- getAvg() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgArvR() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgArvRChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgArvRHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getAvgArvRHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgArvRHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- getAvgChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgChainTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getAvgHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgNode() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgNodeArvRChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgNodeChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgNodeChainTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgNodeQLenChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgNodeRespTChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgNodeTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgNodeTputChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgNodeUtilChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgQLen() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgQLenChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgQLenHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getAvgQLenHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgQLenHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- getAvgResidT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgResidTHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getAvgResidTHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgResidTHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- getAvgRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgRespTChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgRespTHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getAvgRespTHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgRespTHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- getAvgSys() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgSysRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgSysTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgSysTput() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- getAvgTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getAvgTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- getAvgTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgTput() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgTputChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgTputHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getAvgTputHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgTputHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- getAvgUtil() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgUtilChain() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgUtilHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getAvgUtilHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getAvgUtilHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- getAvgWaitT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getCacheServer() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getCall_classes_updmap() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getCalls() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- getCap() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getCap() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- getCardinality() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.ItemEntry
- getCdfRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- getCdfRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getCdfRespT(Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getChainNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- getChainNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- getChainNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- getChains() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClassByIndex(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClassByName(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClassCap(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getClassCap(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- getClassChain(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClassChainIndex(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClassIndex(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClassIndex(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClassIndex(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- getClassLinks(Node, JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClassName() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getClassName() - Method in class jline.lang.sections.Section
- getClassNames() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClassNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- getClassNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- getClassSwitchingMask() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getClientIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- getColIndexes() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Get indexes of columns that carry data
- getColIndexSum(Map<Integer, Matrix>) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- getColMax(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Return position of column maximum
- getColumn(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- getcombinations(ArrayList<Integer>, int, int, int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cyclic_queues
- getCompletes() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- getConnectionMatrix() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getCsMatrix() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getD1k(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Marked
- getDemands() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getDemandsChain() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getDepRates() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMCResult
- getDestination() - Method in class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- getDfilt() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMCResult
- getDimension() - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsODE
- getDimension() - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.MatrixMethodODE
- getDiscardedSamples() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getDistribution() - Method in class jline.lang.ServiceBinding
- getDropRule(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- getDropStrategy() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getEmbedded() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getEmbedded() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getEmbeddedProb() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getEmbeddedProb() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getEnsemble() - Method in class jline.lang.Ensemble
- getEnsemble() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- getEnsemble() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getEnsembleAvg() - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- getEnsembleAvg() - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- getEnsembleAvg() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getEnsembleAvg() - Method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- getEntries() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- getEntryServiceMatrix() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getEntryServiceMatrixRecursion(LayeredNetworkStruct, int, int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- geteta(int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.euler
- getEvent() - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- getFeatureSet() - Static method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- getFeatureSet() - Static method in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
Returns the feature set supported by the MVA solver
- getFeatureSet() - Static method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getFeatureSet() - Static method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
Returns the feature set supported by the MVA solver
- getFeatureSet() - Static method in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
Returns the feature set supported by the MVA solver
- getFeatureSet() - Static method in class
Returns the feature set supported by the NC solver
- getFeatureSet() - Static method in class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSA
Returns the feature set supported by the MVA solver
- getFileName() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getFileName() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- getFileName() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getFilePath() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getFilePath() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getFiringDistribution(Mode) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- getFname() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.SolverCtmcJointResult
- getForkJoins() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getGenerator() - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- getGenerator(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- getGlobalMaxJobs() - Method in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- getGlobalMaxMemory() - Method in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- getGraph() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getHasStruct() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getHitClass() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
For an incoming job of class r, HITCLASS[r] is the new class of that job after a hit
- getHitRatio() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getHosts() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- getIDC() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getIDC() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getIDI() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getIDI() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.NodeAttribute
- getIdxhash() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getInChainNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- getInChainNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- getInChainNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- getIndex() - Method in class jline.lang.ItemSet
- getIndex() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- getIndex() - Method in class jline.lang.Mode
- getIndexClosedClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getIndexOpenClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getIndexSinkNode() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getIndexSourceNode() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getIndexSourceStation() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
Gets the station index of the source
- getIndexStatefulNodes() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getInitProb() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.APH
- getInitProb() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getInitProb() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- getInput() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getInstance() - Static method in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- getInstance() - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- getInstance() - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- getIsHost() - Method in class jline.lang.NodeAttribute
- getItemLevelCap() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getItems() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getJmtJarPath() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getJob() - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- getJobClass() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getJobClass() - Method in class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- getJobClass() - Method in class jline.lang.ServiceBinding
- getJobClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getJobClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.sections.StatelessClassSwitcher
- getJobClassFromIndex(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getJobclassIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- getJobClassIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- getJobClassIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- getJobClassIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.OpenClass
- getJobClassIndex(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getJobClassType() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- getJobID() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getLaguerreCoefficients(int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.laguerre
- getLaguerreRoots(double[]) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.laguerre
- getLayers() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- getlE() - Method in class
- getLeft() - Method in class jline.util.Pair
- getLimitedClassDependence() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getLimitedClassDependence() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- getLimitedLoadDependence() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getLimitedLoadDependence() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- getLinkedRoutingMatrix() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getLoggerName() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getLogPath() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getLowerLimit() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getM() - Method in class
- getMaxEvents() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getMaxSamples() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getMaxSamples() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getMaxSimulatedTime() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Bernoulli
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Binomial
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
Computes the distribution mean
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteUniform
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- getMean() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
Computes the distribution mean
- getMeanHostDemand(String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- getMeanValue() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getmefunction(ArrayList<Double>) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- getMetricType() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getMI() - Method in class
- getMissClass() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
For an incoming job of class r, MISSCLASS[r] is the new class of that job after a miss
- getMissRatio() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getModel() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Fork
- getModel() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Join
- getModel() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getModel() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getModel() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getModel(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Ensemble
- getModeNames() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- getModes() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- getMoments() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getMu() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- getMu() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- getMu() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- getMu() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- getMu() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getMU() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class jline.lang.Element
- getName() - Method in class jline.lang.Model
- getName() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkElement
- getName() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- getName() - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- getName() - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- getnLevels() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getNodeByIndex(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNodeByName(String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- getNodeByName(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNodeByStatefulIndex(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNodeIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- getNodeIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getNodeIndex(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNodeIndex(LayeredNetworkElement) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- getNodeIndex(Node) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNodeIndex(Node) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- getNodeNames() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- getNodeNames() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNodeNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- getNodeNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- getNodeNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- getNodes() - Method in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- getNodes() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNodeType() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getNodeTypes() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNodeTypes() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- getNonZeroCols() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- getNonZeroLength() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Get number of non-zeros
- getNonZeroRows() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Get number of rows with at least a non-zero
- getNonZeroValues() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Get array of non-zeros
- getnormalrandom(int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- getNumberOfChains() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNumberOfClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNumberOfItems() - Method in class jline.lang.ItemSet
- getNumberOfItems() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getNumberOfJobs() - Method in class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- getNumberOfJobs() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- getNumberOfJobs() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNumberOfLayers() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- getNumberOfModels() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- getNumberOfModels() - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- getNumberOfModes() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- getNumberOfModeServers() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- getNumberOfModeServers(Mode) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- getNumberOfNodes() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNumberOfPhases() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- getNumberOfPhases() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- getNumberOfPhases() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- getNumberOfPhases() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- getNumberOfPhases() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getNumberOfPhases() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getNumberOfPhases() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- getNumberOfServers() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.StatefulNode
- getNumberOfServers() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- getNumberOfStatefulNodes() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNumberOfStations() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getNumCols() - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- getNumCols() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Get the total number of columns
- getNumElements() - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- getNumElements() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Get the total number of elements
- getNumParams(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- getNumRows() - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- getNumRows() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Get the total number of rows
- getomega(int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.euler
- getomega(int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.gaverstehfest
- getomega(int, ArrayList<Complex>) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.talbot
- getOptions() - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- getOutput() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getOutputStrategies() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getOutputStrategies() - Method in class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- getOutputStrategyByClass(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- getP(ArrayList<Integer>, ArrayList<Double>) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cyclic_queues
- getParam(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- getParent() - Method in class jline.lang.Mode
- getPH() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- getPhi() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- getPhi() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- getPhi() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- getPhi() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- getPhi() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getPi0() - Method in class
- getPnir() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.SolverCtmcJointResult
- getPopularity() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.ItemEntry
- getPopulation() - Method in class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- getPrecedenceId(String) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Retrieves the precedence ID based on the precedence type string.
- getPrecision() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getPriority() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- getProb() - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- getProb(Node, Matrix) - Method in class
- getProb(Pair<Map<Node, Matrix>, Map<Node, Matrix>>) - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- getProbability() - Method in class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- getProbAggr(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- getProbAggr(Node) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getProbAggr(Node, Matrix) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getProbFun() - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- getProbNormConstAggr() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getProcess() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- getProcess() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- getProcess() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- getProcess() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getProcess() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- getProcessType(Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getProductFormChainParameters() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getProductFormParameters() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getQ() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMCResult
- getQLen() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- getQLen() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- getQLen() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- getQLen() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- getQLen() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteUniform
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
- getRate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- getReferenceClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getReferenceStation() - Method in class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- getReferenceStation() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- getReferenceStations() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getRegions() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getRenewalProcess() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- getReplacementPolicy() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getResidT() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- getResidT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- getResidT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- getResidT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- getResidT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- getRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- getRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- getRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- getRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- getRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- getResult(ArrayList<Apcomplex>, ArrayList<Apcomplex>) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.abatewhitt
- getResults() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getResults() - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- getResultsJMVA() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getResultsJSIM() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getRight() - Method in class jline.util.Pair
- getRootFolder() - Static method in class
Retrieves the root folder where the application's JAR file is located.
- getRoute_prob_updmap() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getRoutingMatrix(Matrix, int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getRoutingStrategy() - Method in class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- getRoutingStrategy(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getRoutingStrategyFromNodeAndClassPair(Node, JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getRow(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- getRowElements(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- getRowMax(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Return position of row maximum
- getRowsFrom(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- getRuntime() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.SolverCtmcJointResult
- getSchedPolicy() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- getSchedStrategy() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- getSchedStrategy() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Router
- getSchedStrategy() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceNode
- getSchedStrategy() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- getSchedStrategy() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- getSchedStrategyPar(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Bernoulli
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Binomial
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
Computes the distribution squared coefficient of variation (SCV = variance/mean^2)
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteUniform
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- getSCV() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
Computes the squared coefficient of variation == variance/mean^2
- getSection() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.DocumentSectionPair
- getSections() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- getSections() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getSeed() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getServer() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getServerIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- getService(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- getServiceDistribution(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.ServiceSection
- getServiceProcess(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Router
- getServiceProcess(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceNode
- getServiceProcess(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceStation
- getServiceProcess(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.ServiceSection
- getServiceRates() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- getServiceStrategy() - Method in class jline.lang.ServiceBinding
- getServt_classes_updmap() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getSimConfInt() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getSimDoc() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.DocumentSectionPair
- getSimDoc() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.ElementDocumentPair
- getSimElem() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.ElementDocumentPair
- getSimMaxRelErr() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getSink() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getSize() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Bernoulli
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Binomial
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteUniform
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- getSkewness() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
- getSlice(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- getSlice(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- getSn() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.CtmcSsgResult
- getSn() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMCResult
- getSource() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getSourceIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- getSourceRates() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- getStartTime() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getState() - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- getState() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getState() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.StatefulNode
- getStatefulIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getStatefulIndex() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.StatefulNode
- getStatefulNodeFromIndex(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStatefulNodeIndex(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStatefulNodeIndex(Node) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStatefulNodeNames() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStatefulNodes() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStatePrior() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.StatefulNode
- getStateSpace() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.CtmcSsgResult
- getStateSpace() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMCResult
- getStateSpace(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- getStateSpaceAggr() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.CtmcSsgResult
- getStateSpaceAggr() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMCResult
- getStateSpaceHashed() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.CtmcSsgResult
- getStationByIndex(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStationByName(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStationFromIndex(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStationIdx() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- getStationIndex(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStationIndex(Node) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStationIndexes(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStationName() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getStationNames() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStationNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- getStationNames() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- getStations() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStationScheduling() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStationServers() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStruct() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- getStruct() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStruct() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getStruct() - Method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- getStruct() - Method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- getStruct() - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
- getStruct() - Method in class
- getStruct(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getStruct(SolverCTMC) - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- getSubgenerator() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getSubgenerator() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- getSubMatrix(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- getSupport() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- getSymbolicGenerator(boolean, boolean) - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- getSysRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- getSysTput() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- getT() - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- getTasks() - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- getThinkt_classes_updmap() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- getTimeAnyClass() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getTimeSameClass() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getTimestamp() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- getting_started_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getting_started_10() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getting_started_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getting_started_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getting_started_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getting_started_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getting_started_6() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getting_started_7() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getting_started_8() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getting_started_9() - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- GettingStarted - Class in jline.examples
Getting started examples
- GettingStarted() - Constructor for class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- getTput() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- getTput() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- getTput() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- getTput() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- getTput() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- getTranAvg() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getTranCdfPassT() - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- getTranCdfPassT() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getTranCdfPassT(Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getTranCdfRespT() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getTranCdfRespT(Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getTranHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getTranHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- getTranProbAggr(Node) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- getTranQLenHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getTranQLenHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverTranHandles
- getTranTputHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getTranTputHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverTranHandles
- getTranUtilHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- getTranUtilHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverTranHandles
- getUpperLimit() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- getUsedLangFeatures() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
Returns the language features used by the given network
- getUtil() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- getUtil() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- getUtil() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- getUtil() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- getUtil() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- getValue() - Method in class jline.util.NamedParam
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Bernoulli
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Binomial
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteUniform
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
- getVar() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- getVariance() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- getVerbose() - Method in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- getVersion() - Method in class jline.lang.Model
- getWCC() - Method in class jline.util.UndirectedGraph
- getweight(double[], int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.laguerre
- getXVecIt() - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsAnalyzer
- getXVecIt() - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.MatrixMethodAnalyzer
- getXVecIt() - Method in interface jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.MethodAnalyzer
- GlobalConstants - Class in jline.lang.constant
Global constants for tolerances and solver configuration
- GlobalConstants() - Constructor for class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- GN - Variable in class
- gpcdf(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- GPS - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- GPSPRIO - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- graph - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- grnmol(Function<double[], Double>, double[][], int, double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Grundmann-Moeller simplex integration
- growMaxColumns(int, boolean) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Grow the maximum number of columns
- growMaxLength(int, boolean) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Grow the maximum number of elements
- Guard - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.JoinStrategy
- h - Variable in class
- H - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.laplaceApproxComplexReturn
- H - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.laplaceApproxReturn
- hadamard(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- handleStep(StepInterpolator, boolean) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.MethodStepHandler
- handleStep(StepInterpolator, boolean) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.TransientDataHandler
- hasAvgResults() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- hasAvgResults() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- hasClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasClassSwitching() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasClosedClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasconverged - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- hasDistribResults() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- hasDPS() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasDPSPrio() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasDuplicates() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- hasFCFS() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasFinite() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- hasFork() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasGPS() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasGPSPrio() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache.PopularityKey
- hashCode() - Method in class jline.lang.state.EventCacheKey
- hashCode() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- hashnames - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- hasHOL() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasHomogeneousScheduling(SchedStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hashpop(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.PopulationLattice
- hashpop(Matrix, Matrix, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.PopulationLattice
- hasINF() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasInfinite() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- hasInitState() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasJoin() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasLCFS() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasLCFSPR() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasLEPT() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasLJF() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasMultiChain() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasMultiClass() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasMultiClassFCFS() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasMultiClassHeterFCFS() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasMultiServer() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasNaN() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- hasOpenClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasProductFormSolution() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasPS() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasPSPrio() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasReplicableItems() - Method in class jline.lang.ItemSet
- hasResults() - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- hasSEPT() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasSingleChain() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasSingleClass() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasSIRO() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasSJF() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- hasTranResults() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- hide_immediate - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- hide_immediate - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- highvar - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- hist(Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Implementation of MATLAB "hist": puts elements of v into k bins
- hitclass - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- hitClass - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- hitProb - Variable in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVAResult
- hitProb - Variable in class
- HLRU - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
- hlruTime(double[], Matrix, Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class jline.api.CACHE
- hn(double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.customromberg
- HOL - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- holdTime - Variable in class jline.lang.Env
- Host - Class in jline.lang.layered
A processor that can run Tasks
- Host(LayeredNetwork, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Host
- Host(LayeredNetwork, String, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Host
- Host(LayeredNetwork, String, int, SchedStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Host
- Host(LayeredNetwork, String, int, SchedStrategy, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Host
- Host(LayeredNetwork, String, int, SchedStrategy, double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Host
- HOST - Static variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkElement
- hostdem - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- hostDemand - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- hostDemandMean - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- hostDemandSCV - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- hosts - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- hshift - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- ht(Network) - Static method in class jline.api.FJ
Heidelberger-Trivedi fork-join queueing network transformation.
- HyperExp - Class in jline.lang.processes
A hyper-exponential distribution.
- HyperExp(double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- HyperExp(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- HYPEREXP - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- I - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.laplaceApproxComplexReturn
- I - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.laplaceApproxReturn
- I - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.simplexQuadResult
- ID_POST_AND - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- ID_POST_CACHE - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- ID_POST_LOOP - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- ID_POST_OR - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- ID_POST_SEQ - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- ID_PRE_AND - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- ID_PRE_OR - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- ID_PRE_SEQ - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- idxhash - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- ilscaling - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- im - Variable in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- immediate - Variable in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- Immediate - Class in jline.lang.processes
An Immediate distribution that always samples 0.
- Immediate - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- Immediate() - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- IMMEDIATE - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- IMMEDIATE - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.TimingStrategy
- inchain - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- ind - Variable in class jline.lang.state.EventCacheKey
- index - Variable in class jline.lang.JobClass
- INF - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- inf_norm(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- infGen - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- infGen - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.generatorResult
- infGen - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.symbolicResult
- InfGen - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- InfiniteServer - Class in jline.lang.sections
A service section with an infinite number of servers (pure delay)
- InfiniteServer(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.InfiniteServer
- infradius_h(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.Maths.infradius_h
- infradius_hnorm(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.Maths.infradius_hnorm
- inhibiting - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- inhibitingConditions - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- init() - Method in class jline.lang.Env
- init() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- init() - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- init() - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- init() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- init(double, double[], double) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.MethodStepHandler
- init(double, double[], double) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.TransientDataHandler
- INIT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.EventType
- init_sol - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- initClassSwitchMatrix() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ClassSwitch
- initDefault() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- initDefault() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- initDispatcherJobClasses(List<JobClass>) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.Dispatcher
- initDispatcherJobClasses(List<JobClass>) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.Linkage
- initFromAvgQLen(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- initFromAvgTable(NetworkAvgTable) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- initFromMarginal(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- initFromMarginalAndRunning(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- initFromMarginalAndStarted(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- initialState - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State
- initJoinJobClasses() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Join
- initRoutingMatrix() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- initSol() - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- InitState - Class in jline.examples
Examples of model initialization
- InitState() - Constructor for class jline.examples.InitState
- input - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- inputJobClasses - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- InputJobClassesObj(JobClass, SchedStrategyType, DropStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher.InputJobClassesObj
- InputOutput - Class in
Functions to print on screen
- InputOutput() - Constructor for class
- InputSection - Class in jline.lang.sections
Input section of a station
- InputSection(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.InputSection
- insert_sub_matrix(int, int, int, int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- inspace - Variable in class jline.lang.state.EventCacheKey
- inspectFeature(String) - Method in class jline.lang.FeatureSet
Checks whether the given feature is used or not in the current feature set
- integerMapToMatrix(Map<Integer, List<Integer[]>>) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- interlocking - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- intersect(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
Interesection of two matrices.
- inv() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- inv(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- isAssigned(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Check if sparse matrix element is assigned
- isasynccaller - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- isAvailable() - Static method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- iscache - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- iscaller - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- isContinuous() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- isContinuous() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- isDiag() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- isDiag_withintol() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- isDisabled - Variable in class jline.lang.Metric
- isDisabled() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- isDisabled() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- isDisabled() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- isDisabled() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- isDisabled() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- isDiscrete() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- isDiscrete() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- isEmpty() - Method in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- isEmpty() - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- isEmpty() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- isEmpty() - Method in class jline.util.MatrixCell
- isEnabled() - Method in class jline.lang.state.EventCache
- isEqualTo(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Checks if two matrices are equal
- isEqualToTol(Matrix, double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Checks if two matrices are equal within a tolerance
- isFinite() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- isImmediate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- isImmediate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- isImmediate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- isImmediate() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- isinf(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- isJavaAvailable() - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- isLimitedLoadDependent() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- isNumStable - Variable in class
- isref - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- isrefclass - Variable in class jline.lang.JobClass
- isReferenceClass() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- isReferenceStation() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- isReferenceStation() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- isReferenceStation(Node) - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- isServiceDefined() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- isServiceDefined(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- isServiceDisabled() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- isServiceDisabled(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- isSimulation - Variable in class jline.lang.state.EventCacheKey
- isslc - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- isstatedep - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- isstateful - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- isStateful() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- isStateValid() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- isstation - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- isSuccessful() - Method in class jline.lang.Metric
- issynccaller - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- isValid(Network, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- isValid(NetworkStruct, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- isValidOption(String) - Static method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- it - Variable in class
- it - Variable in class
- it - Variable in class
- it - Variable in class
- itemcap - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- itemcap - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- ItemEntry - Class in jline.lang.layered
A caching service that gives access to items
- ItemEntry(String, LayeredNetwork, int, Distribution) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.ItemEntry
- itemLevelCap - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.CacheTask
- itemproc - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- items - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.CacheTask
- ItemSet - Class in jline.lang
A set of cacheable items
- ItemSet(Network, String, int, Cache) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ItemSet
- iter - Variable in class
- iter - Variable in class
- iter - Variable in class
- iter - Variable in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAMResult
- iter - Variable in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVAResult
- iter_max - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- iter_tol - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- iterate() - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- jline - package jline
- jline.api - package jline.api
Procedural algorithms for solving stochastic models
- jline.cli - package jline.cli
Command line and WebSocket client/server execution.
- jline.examples - package jline.examples
Examples of regular and layered queueing networks.
- - package
Input/output from the command line or XML files.
- jline.lang - package jline.lang
Abstractions to declare basic elements of a model.
- jline.lang.constant - package jline.lang.constant
This package contains constants used in the definition of queueing characteristics
- jline.lang.layered - package jline.lang.layered
This package contains the classes used the specify LayeredNetwork objects
- jline.lang.nodes - package jline.lang.nodes
This package contains the classes used the specify Network objects
- jline.lang.processes - package jline.lang.processes
This package contains statistical distributions used to specify arrival rates, service rates, and item popularities
- jline.lang.sections - package jline.lang.sections
Classes that model the individual sections that form a Network node
- jline.lang.state - package jline.lang.state
Classes that model the state of a network and its individual nodes
- jline.lib - package jline.lib
Ad-hoc migrated versions of external library dependencies.
- jline.lib.ltinversion - package jline.lib.ltinversion
Classes for Laplace transform inversion
- jline.lib.thirdparty - package jline.lib.thirdparty
Classes that partially migrate third-party libraries to Java
- jline.solvers - package jline.solvers
Solver superclasses and related data structures.
- jline.solvers.ctmc - package jline.solvers.ctmc
Solution approaches based on Continuous-Time Markov Chain solution
- jline.solvers.env - package jline.solvers.env
Solution approaches for stochastic models in random environments.
- jline.solvers.fluid - package jline.solvers.fluid
Solution approaches based on mean-field and fluid approximations.
- jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers - package jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers
Classes that embody different fluid ODE analysis algorithms
- jline.solvers.fluid.odes - package jline.solvers.fluid.odes
Classes that generate the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) used in the Fluid solver
- jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing - package jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing
Classes that implement the smoothing method for transient fluid analysis
- jline.solvers.jmt - package jline.solvers.jmt
Wrapper for the Java Modelling Tools (JMT) suite solvers
- jline.solvers.ln - package jline.solvers.ln
LINE's native Layered Network (LN) solver
- jline.solvers.lqns - package jline.solvers.lqns
Wrapper for University of Carleton RADS group's Layered Queueing Network Solver (LQNS)
- jline.solvers.mam - package jline.solvers.mam
Analysis approaches based on matrix-analytic methods
- jline.solvers.mva - package jline.solvers.mva
Analysis approaches based on Mean-Value Analysis (MVA)
- jline.solvers.mva.analyzers - package jline.solvers.mva.analyzers
Classes that embody different mean-value analysis methods
- jline.solvers.mva.handlers - package jline.solvers.mva.handlers
Classes for coordinate the execution and performance metric estimation in MVA-based algorithms
- - package
Analysis approaches based on Normalizing Costant (NC) methods
- - package
Classes that embody different normalizing constant analysis methods
- jline.solvers.ssa - package jline.solvers.ssa
Analysis approaches based on the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA) for Markov chains
- jline.util - package jline.util
This package contains some fundamental data structures and utilities
- jlqnGetPath() - Static method in class
Returns the path to the JLQN (Java Layered Queueing Network GUI) JAR file.
- jlqnGetPath(String) - Static method in class
- JMT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- JMT2LINE(String) - Method in class
- JMT2LINE(String, String) - Method in class
- jmtGetPath() - Static method in class
Returns the path to the JMT (Java Modelling Tools) JAR file.
- jmtGetPath(String) - Static method in class
- JMTOptions - Class in jline.solvers.jmt
- JMTOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.jmt.JMTOptions
- job - Variable in class jline.lang.Event
- jobClass - Variable in class jline.lang.Metric
- jobClass - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- jobClass - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher.InputJobClassesObj
- jobClass - Variable in class jline.lang.state.EventCacheKey
- JobClass - Class in jline.lang
Superclass representing a class of jobs
- JobClass(JobClassType, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.JobClass
- jobclasses - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- jobClasses - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.ClassSwitcher
- jobClasses - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Firing
- jobClasses - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Forker
- jobClasses - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Joiner
- jobclassIdx - Variable in class jline.lang.Event
- JobClassType - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying a class of jobs
- jobID - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- jobPos - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN.recurActGraphReturnType
- Join - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A node that reassembles a set of sibling tasks into the original parent job
- Join - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Join(Network) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Join
- Join(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Join
- Join(Network, String, Node) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Join
- Joiner - Class in jline.lang.sections
Input section of a join node
- Joiner(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Joiner
- joinJobClasses - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Joiner
- joinOf - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Join
- joinRequired - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- joinRequired - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Joiner
- joinStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- joinStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Joiner
- JoinStrategy - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying a join strategy
- joint - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.Prob
- JSIM2LINE(String) - Method in class
- JSIM2LINE(String, String) - Method in class
- JSIMG - Enum constant in enum class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT.ViewMode
- JSIMG_PATH - Static variable in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- jsimgView() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- jsimgView() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- jsimgView(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- jsimgView(String, SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- jsimgView(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- JSIMW - Enum constant in enum class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT.ViewMode
- jsimwView() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- jsimwView() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- jsimwView(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- jsimwView(String, SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- JSQ - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
- k - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- KCHOICES - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
- keep - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- keep(boolean) - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- kir - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateMarginalStatistics
- kron(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- krons(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- L - Variable in class
- L - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.infradius_h
- L - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.infradius_hnorm
- L - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.nrl_h
- L - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.nrp_h
- laguerre - Class in jline.lib.ltinversion
- laguerre() - Constructor for class jline.lib.ltinversion.laguerre
- Laguerre(UnivariateFunction, int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.laguerre
- lambda - Variable in class
- lambda - Variable in class
- lambda - Variable in class
- lang - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- laplace_result(double) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.gaverstehfest
- laplace_result(Apcomplex) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.abatewhitt
- laplaceapprox_h(Matrix, SerializableFunction<Matrix, Matrix>) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- laplaceapprox_h_complex(Matrix, SerializableFunction<Matrix, ComplexMatrix>) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- laplaceApproxComplexReturn(ComplexMatrix, Complex, Complex) - Constructor for class jline.util.Maths.laplaceApproxComplexReturn
- laplaceApproxReturn(Matrix, double, double) - Constructor for class jline.util.Maths.laplaceApproxReturn
- LayeredModel - Class in jline.examples
Examples of layered networks
- LayeredModel() - Constructor for class jline.examples.LayeredModel
- LayeredNetwork - Class in jline.lang.layered
A layered queueing network model
- LayeredNetwork(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- LayeredNetworkAvgTable - Class in jline.solvers
- LayeredNetworkAvgTable(List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- LayeredNetworkElement - Class in jline.lang.layered
Element of a LayeredNetwork model
- LayeredNetworkElement(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkElement
- LayeredNetworkStruct - Class in jline.lang.layered
Class summarizing the characteristics of a LayeredNetwork
- LayeredNetworkStruct() - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- LayeredSolverResult - Class in jline.solvers
- LayeredSolverResult() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.LayeredSolverResult
- lcdScaling - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- LCFS - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- LCFSPR - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- LD - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ServiceStrategy
- left_matrix_divide(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- legalStrategies - Static variable in class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- length() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- LEPT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lG - Variable in class
- lGbasis - Variable in class
- lGN - Variable in class
- lGremaind - Variable in class
- LI - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ServiceStrategy
- line_error(String, String) - Static method in class
- line_warning(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class
- linearizerms_core(Matrix, int, int, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix[], Matrix, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- linearizerms_estimate(int, int, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix[]) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- linearizerms_forwardMVA(Matrix, int, int, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix[], Matrix[], Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- LineCLI - Class in jline.cli
The LineCLI class provides a command-line interface for configuring and running the LINE Solver.
- LineCLI() - Constructor for class jline.cli.LineCLI
Default constructor for the LineCLI class.
- LineClient - Class in jline.cli
LineClient is a WebSocket client used to communicate with the LINE Solver server.
- LineClient(URI, String) - Constructor for class jline.cli.LineClient
Constructs a new LineClient instance.
- LineServer - Class in jline.cli
LineServer is a WebSocket server that receives client connections, processes incoming messages, and interacts with the LINE Solver.
- LineServer(int) - Constructor for class jline.cli.LineServer
Constructs a new LineServer instance on the specified port.
- LineServer(String, int) - Constructor for class jline.cli.LineServer
Constructs a new LineServer instance on the specified host and port.
- LineServer(InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class jline.cli.LineServer
Constructs a new LineServer instance with a specified address.
- lineTempName() - Static method in class
Creates a temporary directory within the default workspace and returns its path.
- lineTempName(String) - Static method in class
Creates a temporary directory within a specified solver workspace and returns its path.
- link(RoutingMatrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- Linkage - Class in jline.lang.sections
Output section of a Place in a Stochastic Petri net model
- Linkage(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Linkage
- linksmat - Variable in class jline.lang.Network.routingMatrixReturn
- linspace(double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- listValidMethods() - Static method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- listValidMethods() - Static method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- listValidMethods() - Static method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- listValidOptions() - Static method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- LJF - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- lldscaling - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- lldScaling - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- LN - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- LNOptions - Class in jline.solvers.ln
- LNOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ln.LNOptions
- Lo - Variable in class
- LoadDependent - Class in jline.examples
Examples of models with load-dependent stations
- LoadDependent() - Constructor for class jline.examples.LoadDependent
- LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.EventType
- localStateSpace - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.StateSpace
- log() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Logger - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A node that logs passage of jobs
- Logger - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Logger(Network, String, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- loggerName - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- logI - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.laplaceApproxComplexReturn
- logI - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.laplaceApproxReturn
- logmeanexp(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- Lognormal - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Lognormal distribution.
- Lognormal(double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- LOGNORMAL - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- logNormConstAggr - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.Prob
- logNormConstAggr - Variable in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMTResult
- logNormConstAggr - Variable in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVAResult
- logPnir - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluidResult
- logspace(double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- logspacei(int, int, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Generates an integer list of n logarithmically spaced values.
- logSum(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- logsumexp(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
Computes log(sum_i exp(x_i)) of all elements x_i of the input matrix
- LogTunnel - Class in jline.lang.sections
A section that forwards jobs without introducing delays in a Log node
- LogTunnel() - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.LogTunnel
- LogTunnel(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.LogTunnel
- lookupSimple(String) - Method in class jline.util.MatrixEquation
- Loop(String, String, String, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing a loop relationship.
- Loop(String, String, String, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing a loop relationship.
- Loop(String, List<String>, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing a loop relationship.
- Loop(String, List<String>, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing a loop relationship.
- LOSSN - Class in jline.api
APIs for stochastic models of loss networks
- LOSSN() - Constructor for class jline.api.LOSSN
- lossn_erlangfp(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.LOSSN
This method calculates the Erlang fixed point approximation for loss networks.
- lossnErlangFP(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class
- lossProb - Variable in class
- lPr - Variable in class
- lqn - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- LQNS - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- LQNSOptions - Class in jline.solvers.lqns
- LQNSOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.lqns.LQNSOptions
- LRU - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
- LRUM - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
- lst - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- lyap(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- lZ - Variable in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.cli.LineClient
The main method, which serves as the entry point for the program.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.cli.LineServer
The main method, which serves as the entry point for the server application.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.CacheModel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.CDFRespT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.ClassSwitching
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.ClosedModel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.CyclicPolling
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.Gallery
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.GettingStarted
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.InitState
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.LayeredModel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.LoadDependent
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.Misc
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.MixedModel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.OpenModel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.Prio
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.RandomEnvironment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.RLRouting
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.StateDepRouting
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.StateProbabilities
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.StochPetriNet
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.customromberg
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cyclic_queues
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.euler
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.gaverstehfest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- MAM - Class in jline.api
APIs for stochastic point processes
- MAM - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- MAM() - Constructor for class jline.api.MAM
- mamap2m_fit_gamma_fb_mmap(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
- mamAPH2Fit() - Constructor for class
- mamMAPFitReturn() - Constructor for class
- mamMMAPMixtureFit() - Constructor for class
- mamMMAPSample(double[], int, int[]) - Constructor for class
- MAMOptions - Class in jline.solvers.mam
- MAMOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mam.MAMOptions
- MAP - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Markovian Arrival Process
- MAP - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- MAP - Variable in class
- MAP() - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- MAP(MatrixCell) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- MAP(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- map_acf(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the autocorrelation function (ACF) for a given MAP using a default lag of 1.
- map_acf(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the autocorrelation function (ACF) for a given MAP at multiple lags using a MatrixCell.
- map_acf(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the autocorrelation function (ACF) for a given MAP using a default lag of 1.
- map_acf(Matrix, Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the autocorrelation function (ACF) for a given MAP at a specific lag.
- map_acf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the autocorrelation function (ACF) for a given MAP at multiple lags.
- map_acfc(MatrixCell, int[], double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the autocorrelation function coefficients (ACFC) for a MAP counting process using a MatrixCell.
- map_acfc(Matrix, Matrix, int[], double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the autocorrelation function coefficients (ACFC) for a MAP counting process.
- map_cdf(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the inter-arrival times of a MAP stored in a MatrixCell that contains the MAP's transition matrices.
- map_cdf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the inter-arrival times of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_checkfeasible(MatrixCell, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Placeholder method to check the feasibility of a MAP.
- map_count_mean(MatrixCell, double) - Method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the mean of the counting process over a specified interval length for a given Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_count_mean(MatrixCell, double[]) - Method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the mean of the counting process over multiple specified interval lengths for a given Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_count_var(MatrixCell, double) - Method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the variance of the counting process over a specified interval length for a given Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_count_var(MatrixCell, double[]) - Method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the variance of the counting process over multiple specified interval lengths for a given Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_embedded(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the embedded discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) matrix of a MAP given as a MatrixCell.
- map_embedded(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the embedded discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) matrix of a MAP.
- map_erlang(double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits an Erlang-k process as a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_exponential(double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Creates a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) with an exponential inter-arrival time distribution.
- map_feastol() - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Returns the feasibility tolerance for MAPs.
- map_gamma(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the gamma parameter for a MAP using a MatrixCell.
- map_gamma(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the gamma parameter for a MAP, which is the ratio of the ACF values at lag 2 and lag 1.
- map_gamma2(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Returns the largest non-unit eigenvalue (both real and imaginary parts) of the embedded Discrete-Time Markov Chain (DTMC) of a given Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_hyperexp(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fit a two-phase Hyper-exponential renewal process as a MAP
- map_idc(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the asymptotic index of dispersion (IDC) for a MAP stored in a MatrixCell that contains the MAP's transition matrices.
- map_idc(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the asymptotic index of dispersion (IDC) for a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_infgen(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the infinitesimal generator matrix (Q) of the Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) underlying a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_infgen(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the infinitesimal generator matrix (Q) of the Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) underlying a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_isfeasible(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Checks if the provided MAP is feasible using a default tolerance.
- map_isfeasible(MatrixCell, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Checks if the provided MAP is feasible based on the given tolerance.
- map_lambda(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the arrival rate (lambda) of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) using matrices stored in a MatrixCell.
- map_lambda(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the arrival rate (lambda) of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_largemap() - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Returns the maximum size considered for large MAPs.
- map_mark(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Creates a Marked Markovian Arrival Process (MMAP) by marking a given Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) with additional phases based on specified marking probabilities.
- map_mean(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the mean inter-arrival time of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) using matrices stored in a MatrixCell.
- map_mean(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the mean inter-arrival time of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_moment(MatrixCell, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the raw moments of the inter-arrival times of a MAP stored in a MatrixCell that contains the MAP's transition matrices.
- map_moment(Matrix, Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the raw moments of the inter-arrival times of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_normalize(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Sanitizes the (D0, D1) matrices of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) stored in a MatrixCell.
- map_normalize(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Sanitizes the (D0, D1) matrices of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) by ensuring all elements are non-negative and adjusting diagonal elements.
- map_pie(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the steady-state probability vector of the embedded DTMC of a MAP stored in a MatrixCell that contains the MAP's transition matrices.
- map_pie(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the steady-state probability vector of the embedded Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) associated with a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_piq(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the steady-state vector (pi) of the Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) underlying a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_piq(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the steady-state vector (pi) of the Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) underlying a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_rand() - Method in class jline.api.MAM
Generates a random Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) with 2 states.
- map_rand(int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Generates a random Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) with K states.
- map_randn() - Method in class jline.api.MAM
Generates a random Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) with 2 states using normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 2.
- map_randn(int, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Generates a random Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) with K states using normal distribution.
- map_sample(MatrixCell, long, Random) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Generates samples of inter-arrival times from a MAP using a specified number of samples and a random generator.
- map_sample(Matrix, Matrix, long, Random) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Generates samples of inter-arrival times from a MAP using a specified number of samples and a random generator.
- map_scale(MatrixCell, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Rescales the mean inter-arrival time of a MAP stored in a MatrixCell that contains the MAP's transition matrices.
- map_scale(Matrix, Matrix, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Rescales the mean inter-arrival time of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) to a specified new mean.
- map_scv(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the squared coefficient of variation (SCV) of the inter-arrival times of a MAP stored in a MatrixCell that contains the MAP's transition matrices.
- map_scv(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the squared coefficient of variation (SCV) of the inter-arrival times of a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP).
- map_skew(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the skewness of the inter-arrival times for a MAP using a MatrixCell.
- map_skew(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the skewness of the inter-arrival times for a MAP.
- map_sum(MatrixCell, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) representing the sum of `n` identical MAPs.
- map_sumind(MatrixCell[]) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) representing the sum of `n` independent MAPs.
- map_super(MatrixCell, MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Creates a superposition of two Markovian Arrival Processes (MAPs) to form a new MAP.
- map_timereverse(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the time-reversed MAP of a given MAP.
- map_var(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the variance of the inter-arrival times for a MAP using a MatrixCell.
- map_var(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the variance of the inter-arrival times for a MAP.
- map_varcount(MatrixCell, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the variance of the counts in a MAP over a time period t using a MatrixCell.
- map_varcount(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the variance of the counts in a MAP over multiple time periods using a MatrixCell.
- map_varcount(Matrix, Matrix, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the variance of the counts in a MAP over a time period t.
- map_varcount(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the variance of the counts in a MAP over multiple time periods.
- map2_fit(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits a 2-phase Markovian Arrival Process (MAP2) using the first three moments.
- map2_fit(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits a 2-phase Markovian Arrival Process (MAP2) to match the given moments and decay rate of the autocorrelation function.
- mape(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Utils
- marginal - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.Prob
- Marked - Class in jline.lang.processes
An abstract class for marked point processes
- Marked(String, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Marked
- MarkedMAP - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Marked Markovian Arrival Process
- MarkedMAP() - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMAP
- MarkedMAP(MatrixCell) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMAP
- MarkedMMPP - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Marked Markov-Modulated Poisson Process (M3PP)
- MarkedMMPP() - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- MarkedMMPP(MatrixCell) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- Markovian - Class in jline.lang.processes
An abstract class for a Markovian distribution
- Markovian(String, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- MarkovModulated - Class in jline.lang.processes
An abstract class for a Markov-modulated point-process
- MarkovModulated(String, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.MarkovModulated
- matchrow(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
Returns the position of the given row in the corresponding matrix
- Maths - Class in jline.util
Mathematical functions and utilities.
- Maths() - Constructor for class jline.util.Maths
- Maths.infradius_h - Class in jline.util
- Maths.infradius_hnorm - Class in jline.util
- Maths.laplaceApproxComplexReturn - Class in jline.util
- Maths.laplaceApproxReturn - Class in jline.util
- Maths.nrl_h - Class in jline.util
- Maths.nrp_h - Class in jline.util
- Maths.simplexQuadResult - Class in jline.util
- Matrix - Class in jline.util
A sparse matrix data structure supporting linear algebra functions similar to those available in MATLAB.
- Matrix(double[]) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- Matrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- Matrix(int[]) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- Matrix(int, int) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- Matrix(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- Matrix(String) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
Parse matrix from string in MATLAB or Python formats MATLAB format assumes commas between row elements and semicolon between rows
- Matrix(ArrayList<List<Double>>) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- Matrix(List<Double>) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- Matrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- Matrix(DMatrixSparseCSC) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- Matrix(SimpleMatrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.Matrix
- matrix_add_vector(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- MatrixCell - Class in jline.util
A ordered list of Matrix objects
- MatrixCell() - Constructor for class jline.util.MatrixCell
- MatrixCell(int) - Constructor for class jline.util.MatrixCell
- MatrixCell(Matrix[]) - Constructor for class jline.util.MatrixCell
- MatrixCell(MatrixCell) - Constructor for class jline.util.MatrixCell
- MatrixCell(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.MatrixCell
- MatrixEquation - Class in jline.util
A class that extends EJML's Equation to use jline.util.Matrix
- MatrixEquation() - Constructor for class jline.util.MatrixEquation
- MatrixEquation(Object...) - Constructor for class jline.util.MatrixEquation
- MatrixEquation(Equation) - Constructor for class jline.util.MatrixEquation
- MatrixMethodAnalyzer - Class in jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers
- MatrixMethodAnalyzer() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.MatrixMethodAnalyzer
- MatrixMethodODE - Class in jline.solvers.fluid.odes
- MatrixMethodODE(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.MatrixMethodODE
- MatrixMethodODE(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int, NetworkStruct, List<Double>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.MatrixMethodODE
- max(double, double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Returns the max of two numbers.
- maxAbsDiff(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- maxitererr - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- MC - Class in jline.api
APIs for Markov Chains.
- MC() - Constructor for class jline.api.MC
- mean - Variable in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- meanCol() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- meanRow() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- merge - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- message - Variable in class jline.cli.LineClient
The message to be sent to the server.
- message - Variable in class jline.cli.LineServer
- method - Variable in class
- method - Variable in class
- method - Variable in class
- method - Variable in class
- method - Variable in class
- method - Variable in class
- method - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- method - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- method(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- MethodAnalyzer - Interface in jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers
- MethodStepHandler - Class in jline.solvers.fluid.odes
- MethodStepHandler(int) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.MethodStepHandler
- Metric - Class in jline.lang
Constants for specifying a Metric
- Metric() - Constructor for class jline.lang.Metric
- Metric(NamedNodeMap) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Metric
- metrics - Variable in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMTResult
- MetricType - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying a type of metric
- mfilename(Object) - Static method in class
- min(double, double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Returns the min of two numbers.
- Misc - Class in jline.examples
Miscellaneous examples
- Misc() - Constructor for class jline.examples.Misc
- missclass - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- missClass - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- missProb - Variable in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVAResult
- missProb - Variable in class
- mixed1() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- MixedModel - Class in jline.examples
Examples of mixed queueing networks
- MixedModel() - Constructor for class jline.examples.MixedModel
- MMAP - Variable in class
- mmap_backward_moment(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the backward moments of an MMAP for specified orders with normalization.
- mmap_backward_moment(MatrixCell, Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the backward moments of an MMAP for specified orders.
- mmap_compress(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Compresses a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP) as a mixture of 2-state acyclic Markovian Arrival Processes (MAPs).
- mmap_compress(MatrixCell, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Compresses a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP) based on the provided configuration options.
- mmap_count_idc(MatrixCell, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the index of dispersion for counts (IDC) for a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP) over a time period.
- mmap_count_lambda(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the arrival rate vector of the counting process for the given Marked MAP (MMAP).
- mmap_count_mean(MatrixCell, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the mean count vector of events of different types in a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP) over a time period.
- mmap_count_var(MatrixCell, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the variance of the count vector of events of different types in a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP) over a time period.
- mmap_cross_moment(MatrixCell, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the k-th cross-moment matrix for a given MMAP.
- mmap_exponential(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP) with a single state based on the given arrival rates for each job class.
- mmap_exponential(Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits an order-n Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP) based on the given arrival rates for each job class.
- mmap_forward_moment(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the forward moments of an MMAP for specified orders with normalization.
- mmap_forward_moment(MatrixCell, Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the forward moments of an MMAP for specified orders.
- mmap_hide(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Hides specified types of arrivals in a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP).
- mmap_idc(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the asymptotic index of dispersion for counts (IDC) for a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP).
- mmap_isfeasible(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Checks the feasibility of a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP).
- mmap_lambda(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Alias for mmap_count_lambda.
- mmap_maps(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Extracts K Markovian Arrival Processes (MAPs) from a given MMAP, one for each class.
- mmap_mark(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Converts a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP) into a new MMAP with redefined classes based on a given probability matrix.
- mmap_mixture(Matrix, Map<Integer, MatrixCell>) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Creates a mixture of MMAPs using the given weights (alpha) and MAPs.
- mmap_mixture_fit(Map<Integer[], Matrix>, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits a mixture of Markovian Arrival Processes (MMAPs) to match the given cross-moments.
- mmap_mixture_fit_mmap(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits a mixture of Markovian Arrival Processes (MMAPs) to match the given moments.
- mmap_normalize(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Normalizes a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP) to ensure feasibility.
- mmap_pc(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the proportion of counts (PC) for each type in a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP).
- mmap_rand(int, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Generates a random MMAP (Marked Markovian Arrival Process) with a given order and number of classes.
- mmap_sample(MatrixCell, long) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Generates samples of inter-arrival times and event types from a MMAP using a specified number of samples.
- mmap_sample(MatrixCell, long, Random) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Generates samples of inter-arrival times and event types from a MMAP using a specified number of samples and a random generator.
- mmap_scale(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Changes the mean inter-arrival time of a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP).
- mmap_shorten(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Converts an MMAP representation from M3A format to BUTools format.
- mmap_sigma2(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the second-order sigma values (covariances) for a given MMAP.
- mmap_super(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Combines a list of MMAPs into one superposed MMAP.
- mmap_super(MatrixCell, MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Combines two MMAPs into one superposed MMAP using the default option.
- mmap_super(MatrixCell, MatrixCell, String) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Combines two MMAPs into one superposed MMAP.
- mmap_super_safe(Map<Integer, MatrixCell>, int) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Safely combines multiple MMAPs into a single superposed MMAP using the default method, while considering order constraints.
- mmap_super_safe(Map<Integer, MatrixCell>, int, String) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Safely combines multiple MMAPs into a single superposed MMAP while considering order constraints.
- mmap_timereverse(MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Computes the time-reversed version of a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals (MMAP).
- MMAPPH1FCFS(MatrixCell, Map<Integer, Matrix>, Map<Integer, Matrix>, Integer, Integer, Integer, Matrix, Boolean, Boolean, Double, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- MMAPPH1NPPR(MatrixCell, MatrixCell, MatrixCell, Integer, Integer, Integer, Matrix, Double, Integer, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- MMPP2 - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Markovian-modulated Poisson Process with 2 states
- MMPP2 - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- MMPP2(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- mmpp2_fit(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits a 2-phase Markovian Arrival Process (MMPP2) to match the given first three moments and a fourth parameter G2.
- mmpp2_fit_mu00(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
- mmpp2_fit_mu11(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
- mmpp2_fit_q01(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
- mmpp2_fit_q10(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
- mmpp2_fit1(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Fits a 2-phase Markov Modulated Poisson Process (MMPP2) based on the specified parameters.
- mmt(Network, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.FJ
Fork-Join Transform approach to evaluate queueing networks including fork-join systems.
- Mode - Class in jline.lang
Superclass representing a class of jobs
- Mode(Transition, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Mode
- model - Variable in class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- model - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkElement
- model - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- model - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- model - Variable in class jline.lang.OpenClass
- model - Variable in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- model - Variable in class jline.solvers.Solver
- Model - Class in jline.lang
Class representing a model supported by the library
- Model(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Model
- ModelTransformer - Class in
Methods for model-to-model transformation
- ModelTransformer() - Constructor for class
- modenames - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- moments(UnivariateFunction, int) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- MomsFromFactorialMoms(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- mtrace_mean(double[], int, int[]) - Static method in class jline.api.TRACE
Computes the mean of a trace, divided by types.
- mu - Variable in class
- mu - Variable in class
- mu - Variable in class
- mu - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- mulByMinusOne() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- mult - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- mult(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- mult(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- multEq(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- multichoose(double, double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- multiChooseCon(Matrix, double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- multinomialln(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- multiplicity - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Host
- multiplicity - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- multiply(UnaryOperator<Apcomplex>...) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.function_wrapper
- multiserver - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- MVA - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- MVAAnalyzer - Interface in jline.solvers.mva.analyzers
- MVAHandler - Class in jline.solvers.mva.handlers
Handler for the solver_mva function.
- MVAHandler() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.MVAHandler
- MVALDHandler - Class in jline.solvers.mva.handlers
Handler for the solver_mvald function.
- MVALDHandler() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.MVALDHandler
- MVAOptions - Class in jline.solvers.mva
- MVAOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.MVAOptions
- MVARunner - Class in jline.solvers.mva
- MVARunner(SolverMVA) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.MVARunner
- MVASolverHandler - Interface in jline.solvers.mva.handlers
- n - Variable in class
- n - Variable in class jline.util.PopulationLattice.sprodResult
- N - Variable in class
- N - Variable in class
- N - Variable in class
- N - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.infradius_h
- N - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.infradius_hnorm
- nacts - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- name - Variable in class jline.lang.Element
- name - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkElement
- name - Variable in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- name - Variable in class jline.solvers.Solver
- name - Variable in class jline.util.NamedParam
- NamedParam - Class in jline.util
A class to store a named parameter.
- NamedParam(String, Object) - Constructor for class jline.util.NamedParam
- names - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- NC - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- ncalls - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- NCAnalyzer - Interface in
- Nchain - Variable in class
- nchains - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nchoosek(double, double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- nchoosek(Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Computes the combinations of the elements in v taken k at a time
- nclasses - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nclosedjobs - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- NCOptions - Class in
- NCOptions() - Constructor for class
- NCRunner - Class in
- NCRunner(SolverNC) - Constructor for class
- negative(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- nentries - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- Network - Class in jline.lang
A queueing network model
- Network(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Network
- Network.routingMatrixReturn - Class in jline.lang
- NetworkAttribute - Class in jline.lang
Class for auxiliary information stored in Network objects
- NetworkAttribute() - Constructor for class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- NetworkAvgChainTable - Class in jline.solvers
- NetworkAvgChainTable(List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- NetworkAvgNodeChainTable - Class in jline.solvers
- NetworkAvgNodeChainTable(List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- NetworkAvgNodeTable - Class in jline.solvers
- NetworkAvgNodeTable(List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- NetworkAvgSysTable - Class in jline.solvers
- NetworkAvgSysTable(List<Double>, List<Double>, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- NetworkAvgTable - Class in jline.solvers
- NetworkAvgTable(List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- NetworkElement - Class in jline.lang
Class representing an element within a Network object
- NetworkElement(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.NetworkElement
- NetworkSolver - Class in jline.solvers
- NetworkSolver(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- NetworkSolver(Network, String, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- NetworkStruct - Class in jline.lang
Class summarizing the characteristics of a Network object
- NetworkStruct() - Constructor for class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nextPowerOfTwo(int) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Given an integer x input, find the next integer y greater than x such that y is a power of 2.
- nhosts - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- ni - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateMarginalStatistics
- nidx - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- nir - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateMarginalStatistics
- nitems - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- nitems - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- niter - Variable in class
- njobs - Variable in class jline.lang.Chain
- njobs - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- njobs - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- njobsorig - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- nlayers - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- nmodes - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- nmodeservers - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- nnodes - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- Node - Class in jline.lang.nodes
Superclass for a node element within a Network model
- Node(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- NodeAttribute - Class in jline.lang
Auxiliary class for information stored within a Node object
- NodeAttribute() - Constructor for class jline.lang.NodeAttribute
- nodeIdx - Variable in class jline.lang.Event
- nodeIndex - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- nodenames - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nodeparam - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- NodeParam - Class in jline.lang
Class for the nodeparam field within NetworkStruct
- NodeParam() - Constructor for class jline.lang.NodeParam
- nodes - Variable in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- nodes - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- nodes - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nodeSpace - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- nodeStateSpace - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.symbolicResult
- nodeToStateful - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nodeToStation - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- NodeType - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying the type of a Node
- nodetypes - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nodevisits - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nonfjmodel - Variable in class
- norm() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Computes the Euclidean norm of a matrix
- normalize() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMAP
- normalize() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- normalize() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- NormMomsFromMoms(double[]) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- NP - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategyType
- np_priority - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- NPFQN - Class in jline.api
APIs for evaluating non-product-form queueing networks.
- NPFQN() - Constructor for class jline.api.NPFQN
- npfqn_nonexp_approx(String, NetworkStruct, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.NPFQN
Approximates non-product-form queueing networks using the specified method.
- npfqn_traffic_merge(Map<Integer, MatrixCell>, String, String) - Static method in class jline.api.NPFQN
Merges MMAP traffic flows with specified configurations.
- npfqn_traffic_merge_cs(Map<Integer, MatrixCell>, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.NPFQN
Merges MMAP traffic flows with class switching using default parameters.
- npfqn_traffic_merge_cs(Map<Integer, MatrixCell>, Matrix, String) - Static method in class jline.api.NPFQN
Merges MMAP traffic flows with class switching.
- npfqn_traffic_split_cs(MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.NPFQN
Splits MMAP traffic flows with class switching.
- npfqnNonexpApprox(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- nPhases - Variable in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- NPPrio - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategyType
- nrl_h(Matrix, Matrix, double, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.Maths.nrl_h
- nrp_h(Matrix, Matrix, double, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.Maths.nrp_h
- nservers - Variable in class
- nservers - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nstateful - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- nstations - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- ntasks - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- num_grad_h(Matrix, double, SerializableFunction<Matrix, Matrix>) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- num_grad_h_complex(Matrix, double, SerializableFunction<Matrix, ComplexMatrix>) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- num_hess_h(Matrix, double, SerializableFunction<Matrix, Matrix>) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- num_hess_h_complex(Matrix, double, SerializableFunction<Matrix, ComplexMatrix>) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- numberOfServers - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Router
- numberOfServers - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- numberOfServers - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.ServiceSection
- numParam - Variable in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- nv - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.simplexQuadResult
- nvars - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- odemaxstep - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.ODESolvers
- odeminstep - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.ODESolvers
- odesolvers - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- ODESolvers() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.ODESolvers
- odeStateVec - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluidResult
- on(Processor) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- on(Task) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- on(Task) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Entry
- on(Task) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.ItemEntry
- onClose(int, String, boolean) - Method in class jline.cli.LineClient
- onClose(WebSocket, int, String, boolean) - Method in class jline.cli.LineServer
Called when a connection is closed.
- oneMinusMatrix(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- oner(Matrix, Integer) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
Decrease by one an element of an integer vector.
- oner(Matrix, List<Integer>) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
Decrease by one an element of an integer vector.
- onError(Exception) - Method in class jline.cli.LineClient
- onError(WebSocket, Exception) - Method in class jline.cli.LineServer
Called when an error occurs.
- ones() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- ones(int, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- onMessage(String) - Method in class jline.cli.LineClient
- onMessage(WebSocket, String) - Method in class jline.cli.LineServer
Called when a message is received from a client.
- onMessage(WebSocket, ByteBuffer) - Method in class jline.cli.LineServer
Called when a binary message is received from a client.
- onOpen(ServerHandshake) - Method in class jline.cli.LineClient
- onOpen(WebSocket, ClientHandshake) - Method in class jline.cli.LineServer
Called when a new client connection is opened.
- onStart() - Method in class jline.cli.LineServer
Called when the server is started.
- OPEN - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.JobClassType
- OpenClass - Class in jline.lang
A class of jobs that arrives from the external world to the Network and, after completion, leaves it
- OpenClass(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.OpenClass
- OpenClass(Network, String, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.OpenClass
- OpenModel - Class in jline.examples
Examples of open queueing networks
- OpenModel() - Constructor for class jline.examples.OpenModel
- optimise_lambda(ArrayList<Apcomplex>, ArrayList<Apcomplex>) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.abatewhitt
- optimiser_laplace(Apcomplex) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.abatewhitt
- options - Variable in class jline.solvers.mva.MVARunner
- options - Variable in class
- options - Variable in class jline.solvers.Solver
- OrFork(String, List<String>, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
/** Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing an OR-fork relationship with a specified probability matrix.
- OrJoin(List<String>, String) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing an OR-join relationship.
- outerForks - Variable in class
- outhash - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.AfterEventResult
- outlinks - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- outprob - Variable in class
- outprob - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.AfterEventResult
- output - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- OutputSection - Class in jline.lang.sections
Output section of a node
- OutputSection(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- outputStrategies - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- OutputStrategy - Class in jline.lang
Class modelling the output section of a Node
- OutputStrategy(JobClass, RoutingStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- OutputStrategy(JobClass, RoutingStrategy, Node, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- outrate - Variable in class
- outrate - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.AfterEventResult
- outspace - Variable in class
- P - Variable in class
- P - Variable in class
- P - Variable in class
- P - Variable in class
- P - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN.recurActGraphReturnType
- P_1 - Variable in class
- P_1 - Variable in class
- Pair<T,
U> - Class in jline.util -
A pair of objects of different classes.
- Pair(Pair<T, U>) - Constructor for class jline.util.Pair
- Pair(T, U) - Constructor for class jline.util.Pair
- params - Variable in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- parent - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- parent - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Entry
- parent - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- parent - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- parentForks - Variable in class
- parentName - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- Pareto - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Pareto distribution
- Pareto(double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- PARETO - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- parseArgs(String[]) - Static method in class jline.cli.LineCLI
Parses the command-line arguments provided to configure the LINE Solver.
- parseOptions(Object...) - Static method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- parseOptions(SolverOptions, Object...) - Static method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- parseXML(String) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- parseXML(String, boolean) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- parseXMLResults(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- PARTIAL - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.JoinStrategy
- passive - Variable in class jline.lang.Sync
- PB - Variable in class
- PB - Variable in class
- PB - Variable in class
- PB - Variable in class
- PB_1 - Variable in class
- PB_1 - Variable in class
- Pc - Variable in class
- perms(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- PFQN - Class in jline.api
APIs for evaluating Product-Form Queueing Networks.
- PFQN() - Constructor for class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_aql(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
AQL approximate MVA for a closed queueing network model.
- pfqn_aql(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
AQL approximate MVA for a closed queueing network model.
- pfqn_aql(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
AQL approximate MVA for a closed queueing network model.
- pfqn_bs(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm
- pfqn_bs(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm
- pfqn_bs(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm
- pfqn_bs(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm
- pfqn_bs(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm
- pfqn_bs(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, int, Matrix, SchedStrategy[]) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm
- pfqn_ca(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute the normalizing constant using the convolution algorithm
- pfqn_ca(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute the normalizing constant using the convolution algorithm
- pfqn_cdfun(Matrix, Map<Station, SerializableFunction<Matrix, Double>>, List<Station>) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Evaluate class-dependent (CD) scaling function
- pfqn_comomrm(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Integer, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute the normalizing constant of a repairmen model using COMOM
- pfqn_comomrm_ld(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Run the COMOM normalizing constant solution method on a repairman model
- pfqn_conwayms(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_conwayms(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int[]) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_conwayms(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int[], SchedStrategy[], double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_conwayms_core(Matrix, int, int, Matrix, Matrix, int[], Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, MatrixCell, SchedStrategy[], double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_conwayms_estimate(int, int, Matrix, int[], Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, MatrixCell, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_conwayms_forwardmva(Matrix, int, int, Matrix, Matrix, int[], SchedStrategy[], MatrixCell, MatrixCell, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_cub(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Cubature method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model
- pfqn_cub(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Cubature method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model
- pfqn_egflinearizer(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SchedStrategy[], double, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Extended general form linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithm.
- pfqn_fnc(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute scaling factor of a load-dependent functional server use to calculate the mean
- pfqn_fnc(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute scaling factor of a load-dependent functional server use to calculate the mean instantiated with scaling constant c.
- pfqn_gflinearizer(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SchedStrategy[], double, int, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_gld(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute the normalizing constant of a single-class load-dependent closed queueing network model
- pfqn_gld_complex(ComplexMatrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute the normalizing constant of a single-class load-dependent closed queueing network model with complex demands.
- pfqn_gldsingle(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Auxiliary function used by pfqn_gld to computer the normalizing constant in a single-class load-dependent model.
- pfqn_gldsingle_complex(ComplexMatrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Auxiliary function used by pfqn_gld to computer the normalizing constant in a single-class load-dependent model with complex demands.
- pfqn_kt(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Knessl-Tier asymptotic expansion of the normalizing constant using the ray method.
- pfqn_le(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Logistic expansion method to compute the normalizing constant
- pfqn_le_fpi(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Fixed-point iteration used in the logistic expansion method
- pfqn_le_fpiZ(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Fixed-point iteration used in the logistic expansion method in models with delays
- pfqn_le_hessian(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Auxiliary function to compute the Hessian used in the logistic expansion method
- pfqn_le_hessianZ(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Auxiliary function to compute the Hessian used in the logistic expansion method in models with delays
- pfqn_linearizer(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SchedStrategy[]) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithm
- pfqn_linearizer(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SchedStrategy[], double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithm
- pfqn_linearizer(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SchedStrategy[], double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithm
- pfqn_linearizerms(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizer
- pfqn_linearizerms(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizer
- pfqn_linearizerms(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizer
- pfqn_linearizerms(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizer as described in Conway 1989, Fast Approximate Solution of Queueing Networks with Multi-Server Chain- Dependent FCFS Queues.
- pfqn_linearizermx(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SchedStrategy[], double, int, String) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Linearizer method for mixed models with multi-server stations
- pfqn_lldfun(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Evaluate limited-load dependent (LLD) function
- pfqn_ls(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, long) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Logistic sampling method to compute the normalizing constant
- pfqn_ls(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, long, long) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Logistic sampling method to compute the normalizing constant
- pfqn_ls_helper(double[], int, int, double, double, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Auxiliary function used in the logistic sampling method
- pfqn_mci(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int, String) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_mmint2(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_mmint2_gausslegendre(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Integer) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute the normalizing constant of a repairmen model using Gauss-Legendre integration
- pfqn_mmsample2(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_mu_ms(int, int, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_mu_ms_gnaux(int, int, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_mushift(Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Shifts a load-dependent scaling vector by one position
- pfqn_mva(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_mva(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) Algorithm for closed Product-Form Queueing Networks.
- pfqn_mvald(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for closed networks with load dependent service and stabilization
- pfqn_mvald(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, boolean) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for closed networks with load dependent service
- pfqn_mvaldms(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Wrapper for pfqn_mvaldmx that adjusts utilizations to account for multiservers
- pfqn_mvaldmx(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for mixed queueing networks with load-dependent nodes.
- pfqn_mvaldmx_ec(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Auxiliary function used by pfqn_mvaldmx to compute the EC terms
- pfqn_mvams(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
General purpose script to handle mixed Query Networks with multiserver nodes.
- pfqn_mvamx(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for open and mixed queueing networks with no multi-server nodes.
- pfqn_nc(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Main method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent model
- pfqn_nc_sanitize(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Sanitizes product-form model parameters to avoid degeneracies
- pfqn_nca(Matrix, int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_ncld(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Main method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-dependent model
- pfqn_nrl(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_nrp(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_panacea(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute the PANACEA approximation
- pfqn_panacea(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute the PANACEA approximation
- pfqn_pff_delay(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Compute the product-form factor relatively to a Delay station
- pfqn_propfair(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_qzgblow(Matrix, double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Computes the lower Geometric Bound (GB) for the queue length of the given closed single-class queueing networks
- pfqn_qzgbup(Matrix, double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Computes the upper Geometric Bound (GB) for the queue length of the given closed single-class queueing networks
- pfqn_rd(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_recal(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
RECAL method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model
- pfqn_recal(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
RECAL method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model
- pfqn_recal(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
RECAL method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model
- pfqn_xia(Matrix, int, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
- pfqn_xzabalow(Matrix, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Computes the low ABA for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networks
- pfqn_xzabaup(Matrix, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Computes the upper ABA for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networks
- pfqn_xzgsblow(Matrix, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Computes the lower Geometric Square-Root Bound (GSB) for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networks
- pfqn_xzgsbup(Matrix, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.PFQN
Computes the upper Geometric Square-Root Bound (GSB) for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networks
- pfqnAMVA(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class
- pfqnAMVAMS(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class
- pfqnComomrm(double, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnComomrmLd(double, double, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnCore(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class
- pfqnCUB(Matrix, double, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnEstimate(MatrixCell, MatrixCell, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnFnc(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnForwardMVA(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnGldIndex(int, int, int) - Constructor for class
- pfqnLeFpi(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnLeFpiZ(Matrix, double, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnLinearizerCore(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class
- pfqnLinearizerEstimate(Matrix[], Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnLinearizerForwardMVA(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnLinearizerMSCore(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int) - Constructor for class
- pfqnLinearizerMSEstimate(Matrix[], Matrix[], Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnLinearizerMSForwardMVA(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnMVA(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Constructor for class
- pfqnMVALD(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, List<Double>, boolean, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnMVALDMX(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnMVALDMXEC(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- pfqnNc(Double, Double) - Constructor for class
- pfqnNc(Double, Double, String) - Constructor for class
- pfqnNcComplex(Complex, Complex) - Constructor for class
- pfqnNcSanitize(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Constructor for class
- pfqnNcXQ(Double, Double, Matrix, Matrix, String) - Constructor for class
- pfqnNcXQ(Double, Matrix, Matrix, String) - Constructor for class
- pfqnRd(Double) - Constructor for class
- pfqnRd(Double, Double) - Constructor for class
- PH - Class in jline.lang.processes
A general phase-type (PH) distribution
- PH - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- PH(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.PH
- ph_reindex(Map<Station, Map<JobClass, MatrixCell>>, NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.MAM
Reindexes a map of phase-type (PH) distributions for a network model based on station and job class indices.
- PHASE - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.EventType
- phases - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- phaseshift - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- phasessz - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- phi - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- PHs - Variable in class
- pi - Variable in class
- pi - Variable in class
- pi - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SSAValues
- pi0 - Variable in class
- pi0 - Variable in class
- pie - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- pij - Variable in class
- pij - Variable in class
- Place - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A queueing station within a Network model
- Place - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Place(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Place
- Place(Network, String, SchedStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Place
- PN - Variable in class jline.solvers.LayeredSolverResult
- Pnir - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluidResult
- PNR - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategyType
- Poisson - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Poisson discrete distribution
- Poisson(double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- POISSON - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- POLLING - Class in jline.api
APIs for evaluating polling systems.
- POLLING() - Constructor for class jline.api.POLLING
- polling_qsys_1limited(MatrixCell[], MatrixCell[], MatrixCell[]) - Static method in class jline.api.POLLING
Computes the exact mean waiting time solution for a polling system with open arrivals.
- polling_qsys_exhaustive(MatrixCell[], MatrixCell[], MatrixCell[]) - Static method in class jline.api.POLLING
Computes the exact mean waiting time solution for a polling system with open arrivals, where all queues are served exhaustively.
- polling_qsys_gated(MatrixCell[], MatrixCell[], MatrixCell[]) - Static method in class jline.api.POLLING
Computes the exact mean waiting time solution for a polling system with open arrivals, where all queues use gated service discipline.
- PollingServer - Class in jline.lang.sections
A service section that processes jobs using Polling scheduling
- PollingServer(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.PollingServer
- poly(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- popularity - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.ItemEntry
- popularityGet(int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- popularityGet(int, int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- PopularityKey(int, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Cache.PopularityKey
- popularityLength() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- popularitySet(int, int, Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- popularitySet(int, Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- population - Variable in class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- PopulationLattice - Class in jline.util
Data structure modeling a lattice used to describe a combination of job populations.
- PopulationLattice() - Constructor for class jline.util.PopulationLattice
- PopulationLattice.sprodResult - Class in jline.util
- post(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- post(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- post(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- POST_AND - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- POST_CACHE - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- POST_LOOP - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- POST_OR - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- POST_SEQ - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- postActs - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
- postParams - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
- postType - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
- pow(Matrix, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- powerSumCols(int, double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- powerSumRows(int, double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- pprod(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.PopulationLattice
- pprod(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.PopulationLattice
- Pr - Variable in class
- PR - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategyType
- pre(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- pre(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- pre(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- PRE_AND - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- PRE_OR - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- PRE_SEQ - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- preActs - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
- pread - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- precedences - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- PreemptiveServer - Class in jline.lang.sections
A preemptive service section
- PreemptiveServer(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.PreemptiveServer
- preParams - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
- prettyPrint() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- preType - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
- print() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- print() - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- print() - Method in class jline.solvers.AvgTable
- print() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- print() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- print() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- print() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- print() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- print() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- print() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- print(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- print(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- print(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- print(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- print(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- print(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- printAvgTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- printEnsembleAvgTables() - Method in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- printInfGen(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- printNonZero() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Print non-zero values
- printRoutingMatrix() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- printStageTable() - Method in class jline.lang.Env
- printSummary() - Method in class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- printSummary() - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- printSummary() - Method in class jline.lang.Mode
- printSummary() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- printSummary() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- printSummary() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Sink
- printSummary() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- printSummary() - Method in class jline.lang.OpenClass
- printSummary() - Method in class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- printTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- printTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- printTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- printTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- printTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- printTable() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- printTable(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- printTable(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- printTable(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- printTable(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- printTable(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- printTable(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- Prio - Class in jline.examples
Examples of queueing models with priorities
- Prio() - Constructor for class jline.examples.Prio
- priorInitialState - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State
- priority - Variable in class jline.lang.JobClass
- prob - Variable in class
- prob - Variable in class jline.lang.Event
- prob - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- prob - Variable in class
- Prob() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.Prob
- PROB - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
- probabilityUpdate() - Method in class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- probEnv - Variable in class jline.lang.Env
- probFun - Variable in class jline.lang.Event
- probOrig - Variable in class jline.lang.Env
- probSysStateAggr() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- proc - Variable in class jline.lang.Env
- proc - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- process - Variable in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- process - Variable in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- process(String) - Method in class jline.util.MatrixEquation
- Processor - Class in jline.lang.layered
Alias for the Host class, i.e., a processor that can run Tasks
- Processor(LayeredNetwork, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Processor
- Processor(LayeredNetwork, String, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Processor
- Processor(LayeredNetwork, String, int, SchedStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Processor
- Processor(LayeredNetwork, String, int, SchedStrategy, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Processor
- Processor(LayeredNetwork, String, int, SchedStrategy, double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Processor
- PROCESSOR - Static variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkElement
- ProcessType - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying a point process type
- proctype - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- PS - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- PSPRIO - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- pstar - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- PStarOptimisationFunction - Class in jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing
- PStarOptimisationFunction(Matrix, Network, boolean) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing.PStarOptimisationFunction
- PStarSearcher - Class in jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing
- PStarSearcher() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing.PStarSearcher
- ptaskcallers - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- ptaskcallers_step - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- put(EventCacheKey, Ret.EventResult) - Method in class jline.lang.state.EventCache
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.AVG
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class
- Q - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- Q - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.simplexQuadResult
- Q_1 - Variable in class
- Q_1 - Variable in class
- Q_1 - Variable in class
- Q11 - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.StochCompResult
- Q12 - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.StochCompResult
- Q21 - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.StochCompResult
- Q22 - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.StochCompResult
- QBD_CAUDAL(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBD_CAUDAL(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Boolean) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBD_CR(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Integer, Integer, String, Integer) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBD_EG(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Boolean) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBD_FI(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Integer, Integer, String, Matrix, Integer) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBD_IS(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Integer, Integer, String, Integer) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBD_LR(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Integer, Integer, String, Integer) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBD_NI(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Integer, Integer, String, Integer) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBD_NI_Sylvest(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBD_ParsePara(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- QBDFundamentalMatrices(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Double, Integer, String, Integer) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- qLen - Variable in class
- QLen - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- QN - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- QN - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- qna_superpos(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- qna_superpos(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.QNAHandler
- QNAHandler - Class in jline.solvers.mva.handlers
- QNAHandler() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.QNAHandler
- QNC() - Constructor for class jline.lang.state.State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult.QNC
- QNt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- qr() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- qsys(double, double) - Constructor for class
Constructs a qsysReturn object.
- QSYS - Class in jline.api
APIs for evaluating queueing systems such as M/M/1, M/M/k, M/G/1, and others.
- QSYS() - Constructor for class jline.api.QSYS
- qsys_gig1_approx_allencunneen(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes a G/G/1 queueing system using the Allen-Cunneen approximation.
- qsys_gig1_approx_heyman(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes a G/G/1 queueing system using Heyman's approximation.
- qsys_gig1_approx_klb(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes a G/G/1 queueing system using the Kramer-Langenbach-Belz (KLB) approximation.
- qsys_gig1_approx_kobayashi(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes a G/G/1 queueing system using Kobayashi's approximation.
- qsys_gig1_approx_marchal(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes a G/G/1 queueing system using Marchal's approximation.
- qsys_gig1_ubnd_kingman(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Calculates an upper bound on the waiting time for a G/G/1 system using Kingman's formula.
- qsys_gigk_approx(double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes a G/G/k queueing system using an approximation method.
- qsys_gigk_approx_kingman(double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes a G/G/k queueing system using Kingman's approximation.
- qsys_gm1(double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes a G/M/1 queueing system.
- qsys_mg1(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes an M/G/1 queueing system.
- qsys_mm1(double, double) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes an M/M/1 queueing system.
- qsys_mmk(double, double, int) - Static method in class jline.api.QSYS
Analyzes an M/M/k queueing system.
- Qt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- Qt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverTranHandles
- quantum - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Host
- Queue - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A queueing station within a Network model
- Queue - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Queue(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- Queue(Network, String, SchedStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- QueueT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- Quorum - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.JoinStrategy
- r - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.ClassSwitcher.CSFunInput
- R - Variable in class
- R - Variable in class
- R - Variable in class
- R - Variable in class
- R - Variable in class
- R - Variable in class
- R - Variable in class
- R - Variable in class
- R - Variable in class
- R - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- rand() - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- rand() - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- rand() - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- rand(int) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- RAND - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
- randMatrix(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- randn() - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- randn() - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- randn(int, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- random - Variable in class jline.solvers.Solver
- random() - Static method in class jline.util.ThreadLocalRandom
- RandomEnvironment - Class in jline.examples
Examples of models evolving in a random environment
- RandomEnvironment() - Constructor for class jline.examples.RandomEnvironment
- randomMatlabStyle() - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- RandomSource - Class in jline.lang.sections
Input buffer of a Source
- RandomSource(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.RandomSource
- rank() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- rates - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- READ - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.EventType
- readFromFile(String) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- readXML(String) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- readXML(String, boolean) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- real - Variable in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- rechenberg(ArrayList<Double>) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- reciprocal() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- recurActGraphReturnType(JobClass, int, RoutingMatrix) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN.recurActGraphReturnType
- REF - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- refclass - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- refreshCapacity() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshChains(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshJobs() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshLocalVars() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshLST(List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshPetriNetNodes() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshPriorities() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshProcesses(List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshProcessPhases(List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshProcessRepresentations() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshProcessTypes(List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshRates(List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshRoutingMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshScheduling() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshStruct(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refreshSync() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- refstat - Variable in class jline.lang.JobClass
- refstat - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- refstatchain - Variable in class
- reftasks - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- relink(RoutingMatrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- remote - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- remote_endpoint - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- remove(int) - Method in class jline.util.MatrixCell
- remove(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- removeActivity(int) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- removeArrivalProcess(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- removeCols(Collection<Integer>) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Removes the specified columns from the given matrix.
- removeDirectory(Path) - Static method in class
Recursively removes a directory and all its contents.
- removeInfinite() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- removeInfinity() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- removeNaN() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- removeNegative() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- removeNull() - Method in class jline.util.MatrixCell
- removeRows(double[][][], Matrix) - Static method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- removeRows(Collection<Integer>) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Removes the specified rows from the given matrix.
- removeServiceProcess(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.RandomSource
- removeServiceProcess(JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.ServiceSection
- removeTask(Task) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Host
- removeZeros(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- repl - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- replace(double, double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- replacement - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- replacementPolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.CacheTask
- ReplacementStrategy - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying a cache replacement strategy
- Replayer - Class in jline.lang.processes
A class that replays values in order from a trace file
- Replayer(Object) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- REPLAYER - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- replication - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Host
- replication - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- repliesTo(Entry) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- replyActivity - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Entry
- replygraph - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- repmat(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- res - Variable in class jline.solvers.mva.MVARunner
- res - Variable in class
- reset() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- reset() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
Reset the internal data structures when the network model is reset
- reset() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- reset() - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- reset() - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- reset(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- reset(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- reset(Markovian, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Method in interface jline.lang.Env.ResetEnvRatesFunction
- reset(Matrix) - Method in interface jline.lang.Env.ResetQueueLengthsFunction
- resetEnvRatesFun - Variable in class jline.lang.Env
- resetHandles() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- resetModel(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- resetNetwork() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- resetNetwork(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
Resets the topology of the current network
- resetQLFun - Variable in class jline.lang.Env
- resetRandomGeneratorSeed(long) - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- resetRouting() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- resetRouting() - Method in class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- resetStruct() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
Resets the struct of a given network
- reshape(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Reshape matrix to the given number of rows and columns
- reshape(int, int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Reshape number of rows, columns and the number of non-zeros
- ResidT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- resolveClassSwitches() - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- resolveUnappliedConnections() - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- RespT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- RespTSink - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- result - Variable in class jline.solvers.Solver
- results - Variable in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- Ret - Class in
Return classes
- Ret() - Constructor for class
- Ret.cacheGammaLp - Class in
Represents the return type for the cache gamma linear program computations.
- Ret.cacheMissRayInt - Class in
Represents the return type for cache miss rate computations with the ray method.
- Ret.cacheMVA - Class in
Represents the return type for the cache MVA (Mean Value Analysis) computations.
- Ret.cacheRayInt - Class in
Represents the return type for cache ray method.
- Ret.cacheXiFp - Class in
Represents the return type for the cache xi fixed-point algorithm computations.
- Ret.ctmcSimulation - Class in
- Ret.EventResult - Class in
A class modelling the output of afterEvent* functions
- Ret.FJApprox - Class in
- Ret.FJAuxClassKey - Class in
- Ret.FJsortForks - Class in
- Ret.lossnErlangFP - Class in
Constructs a lossnErlangFPReturn object with the specified queue-length, loss probability, blocking probability, and iteration count.
- Ret.mamAPH2Fit - Class in
Class representing the return type for the fitting of a 2-phase APH (Acyclic Phase-Type) distribution.
- Ret.mamMAPFitReturn - Class in
A class to represent the return type of the map2_fit function, holding the transition matrices and possibly other fitting results.
- Ret.mamMMAPMixtureFit - Class in
Class representing the return type for fitting a mixture model to a MMAP.
- Ret.mamMMAPSample - Class in
Constructor initializing the sample data, number of types, and type indices.
- Ret.npfqnNonexpApprox - Class in
Data structure to return the results of non-product-form queueing network approximation.
- Ret.pfqnAMVA - Class in
Data structure for storing results from the AMVA (Approximate Mean Value Analysis) method.
- Ret.pfqnAMVAMS - Class in
Data structure for storing results from the AMVA MS (Approximate Mean Value Analysis Multiservice) method.
- Ret.pfqnComomrm - Class in
Data structure for storing results the COMOM method.
- Ret.pfqnComomrmLd - Class in
Data structure for storing results from the load-dependent COMOM method.
- Ret.pfqnCore - Class in
Data structure for storing linearizer core results from a queueing network analysis.
- Ret.pfqnCUB - Class in
Function class for the integrand used in cubature calculations.
- Ret.pfqnEstimate - Class in
Data structure for storing linearizer estimtate results from a queueing network analysis.
- Ret.pfqnFnc - Class in
Data structure for storing results from a FNC (Fitting Normalizing Constants) calculation.
- Ret.pfqnForwardMVA - Class in
Data structure for storing linearizer forward results from a queueing network analysis.
- Ret.pfqnGldIndex - Class in
Auxiliary class used to index interim results in pfqn_gld.
- Ret.pfqnLeFpi - Class in
Data structure for storing results from a fixed-point iteration method.
- Ret.pfqnLeFpiZ - Class in
Data structure for storing results from a fixed-point iteration method with normalization.
- Ret.pfqnLinearizerCore - Class in
Data structure for storing results from the core linearizer method.
- Ret.pfqnLinearizerEstimate - Class in
Data structure for storing intermediate estimates from the linearizer method.
- Ret.pfqnLinearizerForwardMVA - Class in
Data structure for storing final results from the forward MVA step in the linearizer method.
- Ret.pfqnLinearizerMSCore - Class in
Data structure for storing core results from the MS linearizer method.
- Ret.pfqnLinearizerMSEstimate - Class in
Data structure for storing estimated intermediate results from the MS linearizer method.
- Ret.pfqnLinearizerMSForwardMVA - Class in
Data structure for storing final results from the forward MVA step of the MS linearizer method.
- Ret.pfqnMVA - Class in
Data structure to hold the results of the MVA (Mean Value Analysis) computation.
- Ret.pfqnMVALD - Class in
Data structure for storing results from an MVA computation using the LD method.
- Ret.pfqnMVALDMX - Class in
Data structure to hold the results of the MVA computation with additional detailed metrics.
- Ret.pfqnMVALDMXEC - Class in
Data structure to hold extended results from the MVA computation, particularly focusing on error corrections.
- Ret.pfqnNc - Class in
Data structure for storing results from a normalizing constant calculation.
- Ret.pfqnNcComplex - Class in
Data structure for storing complex results from a normalizing constant calculation.
- Ret.pfqnNcSanitize - Class in
Data structure for storing sanitized input parameters for a normalizing constant calculation.
- Ret.pfqnNcXQ - Class in
Data structure for storing results from a normalizing constant calculation involving throughputs and queue lengths.
- Ret.pfqnRd - Class in
Data structure for storing results from the RD method.
- Ret.qsys - Class in
A class to store the results of queueing system analysis.
- Ret.snDeaggregateChainResults - Class in
A return type for the snDeaggregateChainResults method, encapsulating multiple chain-related matrix results.
- Ret.snGetDemands - Class in
A return type for the snGetDemands method, encapsulating multiple matrix results.
- Ret.snGetDemandsChain - Class in
A return type for the snGetDemandsChain method, encapsulating multiple chain-related matrix results.
- Ret.snGetProductFormChainParams - Class in
A return type for methods returning product form chain parameters.
- Ret.snGetProductFormParams - Class in
A return type for methods returning product form parameters.
- reverse() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
For a vector, return a matrix with reversed index positions.
- reverseRows() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- rho - Variable in class
- rho - Static variable in class
- right_matrix_divide(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- RLRouting - Class in jline.examples
Examples of reinforcement learning algorithms for routing
- RLRouting() - Constructor for class jline.examples.RLRouting
- RN - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- RN - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- RNt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- roots(double[]) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- roots(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- round(double, int) - Static method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- route_prob_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- Router - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A node that routes jobs without imposing any delay
- Router - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Router(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Router
- routereset - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- routing - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- RoutingMatrix - Class in jline.lang
Class representing a probabilistic routing matrix
- RoutingMatrix() - Constructor for class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- RoutingMatrix(Network, List<JobClass>, List<Node>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- routingMatrixReturn(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Map<JobClass, Map<JobClass, Matrix>>, Map<Node, Map<Node, Matrix>>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.Network.routingMatrixReturn
- RoutingStrategy - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying routing strategies at stations
- row_increase(int, double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- rpolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- RR - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
- RROBIN - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
- rt - Variable in class jline.lang.Network.routingMatrixReturn
- rt - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- rtnodes - Variable in class jline.lang.Network.routingMatrixReturn
- rtnodes - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- rtNodesByClass - Variable in class jline.lang.Network.routingMatrixReturn
- rtNodesByStation - Variable in class jline.lang.Network.routingMatrixReturn
- rtorig - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- run() - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.MVARunner
runAnalyzer() method from LINE.
- run() - Method in class
runAnalyzer() method from LINE.
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- runAnalyzer() - Method in class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSA
- runAnalyzer(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- runAnalyzerChecks(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- runAnalyzerChecks(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- runMethodSpecificAnalyzerViaLINE() - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- runtime - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- runtime - Variable in class
- runtime - Variable in class
- runtime - Variable in class
- runtime - Variable in class
- runtime - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- runTime - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing.PStarSearcher
- s - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.ClassSwitcher.CSFunInput
- s - Variable in class jline.util.PopulationLattice.sprodResult
- S - Variable in class
- S - Variable in class
- S - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.StochCompResult
- S - Variable in class jline.util.PopulationLattice.sprodResult
- safe_mult(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sample() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteUniform
Gets n samples from the distribution
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
Gets n samples from the distribution
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
Gets n samples from the distribution
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
Gets n samples from the distribution
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMAP
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
Gets n samples from the distribution
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
Gets n samples from the distribution
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
Gets n samples from the distribution
- sample(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
Gets n samples from the distribution
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Bernoulli
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Binomial
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Coxian
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Disabled
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteSampler
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.DiscreteUniform
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Erlang
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Gamma
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Geometric
Gets n samples from the distribution
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Immediate
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Lognormal
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMAP
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Pareto
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.PH
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Poisson
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Replayer
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
- sampleAggr(Node) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- sampleAggr(Node, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- sampleAggr(Node, int, boolean) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- samples - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- samples(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- sampleSysAggr() - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- sampleSysAggr(long) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- sampleSysAggr(long, boolean) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- sanitize() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- sanitize() - Method in class jline.solvers.AvgTable
- saveArrivalStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveBufferCapacity(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveCache(ElementDocumentPair) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveCacheStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveClasses(ElementDocumentPair) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveClassSwitchStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveDropRule(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveDropStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveEnablingConditions(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveFiringOutcomes(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveFiringPriorities(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveFiringWeights(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveForkStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveGetStrategy(DocumentSectionPair) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveInhibitingConditions(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveJoinStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveLinks(ElementDocumentPair) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveLogTunnel(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveMetric(ElementDocumentPair, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveMetrics(ElementDocumentPair) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveModeNames(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveNumberOfServers(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveNumbersOfServers(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- savePlaceCapacities(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- savePreemptiveStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- savePreemptiveWeights(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- savePutStrategies(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- savePutStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveRegions(ElementDocumentPair) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveRoutingStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveServerVisits(DocumentSectionPair) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveServiceStrategy(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveTimingStrategies(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveTotalCapacity(DocumentSectionPair, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- saveXMLHeader(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- scale(double) - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- scale(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- scale_mult(Matrix, double) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- scaleEq(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- scaleEq(double, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sched - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- sched - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- schedid - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- schedparam - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- schedPolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- schedPolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.ClassSwitch
- schedPolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Router
- schedPolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceNode
- schedPolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- schedPolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher.InputJobClassesObj
- schedPolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.InputSection
- schedPolicy - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- schedStrategies - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Place
- schedStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- schedStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.ClassSwitch
- schedStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Router
- schedStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceNode
- schedStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Sink
- schedStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- schedStrategy - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- SchedStrategy - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying scheduling strategies at stations
- schedStrategyPar - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceNode
- schedStrategyPar - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- SchedStrategyType - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying a scheduling strategy type at stations
- scheduling - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- scheduling - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Entry
- scheduling - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Host
- scheduling - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- schur() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- schur(String, Integer) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Scratch - Class in jline
Examples of layered networks
- Scratch() - Constructor for class jline.Scratch
- scv - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- scv(UnivariateFunction) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cme
- scva - Variable in class
- SCVchain - Variable in class
- scvs - Variable in class
- SD - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ServiceStrategy
- section - Variable in class jline.solvers.jmt.DocumentSectionPair
- Section - Class in jline.lang.sections
A general class modeling a node section
- Section(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Section
- seed - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- seed(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- SelfLoopingClass - Class in jline.lang
Class of jobs that perpetually loop at a given station
- SelfLoopingClass(Network, String, long, Station) - Constructor for class jline.lang.SelfLoopingClass
- SelfLoopingClass(Network, String, long, Station, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.SelfLoopingClass
- sendModel(String, String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- sendModel(String, String, String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- SEPT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- Sequence(String, String) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing a sequence relationship.
- Serial(List<String>) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an array of ActivityPrecedence objects representing a sequence.
- SerializableFunction<T,
U> - Interface in jline.util -
Interface used for routing functions
- serialRouting(List<JobClass>, List<Node>) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- serialRouting(List<JobClass>, Node...) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- serialRouting(List<Node>) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- serialRouting(JobClass, List<Node>) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- serialRouting(JobClass, Node...) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- serialRouting(Node...) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- server - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- Server - Class in jline.lang.sections
A service section that processes jobs
- Server(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Server
- ServiceBinding - Class in jline.lang
A class for associating job classes, service strategies and distributions
- ServiceBinding(JobClass, ServiceStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ServiceBinding
- ServiceBinding(JobClass, ServiceStrategy, Distribution) - Constructor for class jline.lang.ServiceBinding
- ServiceNode - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A station with a service process
- ServiceNode(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceNode
- serviceProcesses - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceNode
- serviceProcesses - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceStation
- serviceProcesses - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.RandomSource
- serviceProcesses - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.ServiceSection
- ServiceSection - Class in jline.lang.sections
A section offering a service
- ServiceSection(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.ServiceSection
- ServiceStation - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A station with a service process
- ServiceStation(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceStation
- ServiceStrategy - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying service strategies at stations
- ServiceTunnel - Class in jline.lang.sections
A section that forwards jobs without introducing delays in a service station
- ServiceTunnel() - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.ServiceTunnel
- ServiceTunnel(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.ServiceTunnel
- servt - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- servt_classes_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- servtmatrix - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- servtproc - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- set(int, double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- set(int, int, int) - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- set(int, int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- set(int, int, Complex) - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- set(int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.MatrixCell
- set(int, Complex) - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- set(JobClass, JobClass, double) - Method in class jline.lang.ClassSwitchMatrix
- set(JobClass, JobClass, Node, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- set(JobClass, JobClass, RoutingMatrix) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- set(JobClass, JobClass, Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- set(JobClass, Node, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- set(JobClass, RoutingMatrix) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- set(JobClass, Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- set(Node, Node) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- set(Node, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- setAccessProb(Matrix[][]) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- setActivity(Activity, int) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- setArrival(JobClass, Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- setArrivalProcess(ServiceBinding) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- setAsReferenceTask() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- setAttribute(Integer[]) - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- setAvgHandles(SolverAvgHandles) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- setAvgResults(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, String, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- setAvgResults(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, String, int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- setCallOrder(String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- setCap(int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- setChainCapacity() - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- setChainNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- setChainNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- setChainNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- setChecks(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setChecks(boolean) - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- setClassCap(JobClass, int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- setClassCapacity(JobClass, int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Place
- setClassDependence(SerializableFunction<Matrix, Double>) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- setClassNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- setClassNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- setClassSwitchingMatrix(ClassSwitchMatrix) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ClassSwitch
- setClientIdx(int) - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- setColumn(int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- setColumns(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- setCompletes(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- setConnectionMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setCsMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setDestination(Node) - Method in class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- setDistribResults() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- setDistribution(Mode, Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- setDropRule(JobClass, DropStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.state.EventCache
- setEnablingConditions(Mode, JobClass, Place, int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- setEnsemble(List<Network>) - Method in class jline.lang.Ensemble
- setEvent(EventType) - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- setFalse(String) - Method in class jline.lang.FeatureSet
- setFalse(String[]) - Method in class jline.lang.FeatureSet
- setFileName(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- setFilePath(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- setFiringOutcome(Mode, JobClass, Node, int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- setFiringPriorities(Mode, int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- setFiringWeights(Mode, double) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- setGlobalMaxJobs(int) - Method in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- setGlobalMaxMemory(int) - Method in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- setHasStruct(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setHitClass(JobClass, JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- setHostDemand(double) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- setHostDemand(Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- setIdx(int) - Method in class jline.lang.NodeAttribute
- setInChainNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- setInChainNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- setInChainNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- setIndex(int) - Method in class jline.lang.ItemSet
- setInhibitingConditions(Mode, JobClass, Place, int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- setInitialized(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setIsHost(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.NodeAttribute
- setJmtJarPath(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- setJob(double) - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- setJobClass(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- setJobclassIdx(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- setJobID(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- setJoinNodeRequired(int, JobClass, int) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setJoinNodeStrategy(int, JobClass, JoinStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setLeft(T) - Method in class jline.util.Pair
- setLimitedClassDependence(SerializableFunction<Matrix, Double>) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- setLimitedLoadDependence(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- setLoadDependence(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- setLoggerName(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- setLogPath(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setMatlabRandomSeed(long) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- setMaxEvents(long) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- setMaxSamples(long) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- setMaxSimulatedTime(double) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- setMean(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- setMean(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- setMissClass(JobClass, JobClass) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- setModel(Network) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- setModel(Network) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- setModeNames(Mode, String) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- setName(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Chain
- setName(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Element
- setName(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Model
- setNaNToZero() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- setNodeIdx(int) - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- setNodeIdx(int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- setNodeNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- setNodeNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- setNodeNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- setNodeRouting(int, JobClass, RoutingStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setNodeTypes(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- setNumberOfDigits(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- setNumberOfDigits(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- setNumberOfDigits(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- setNumberOfDigits(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- setNumberOfServers(int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- setNumberOfServers(int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- setNumberOfServers(Mode, Integer) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- setNumParams(int) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- setODEMaxStep(double) - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- setODEMinStep(double) - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- setOptions(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.AvgTable
- setOptions(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.LayeredNetworkAvgTable
- setOptions(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- setOptions(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- setOptions(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- setOptions(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- setOptions(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- setOptions(SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- setOutputStrategy(JobClass, RoutingStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- setOutputStrategy(JobClass, RoutingStrategy, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.Forker
- setOutputStrategy(JobClass, RoutingStrategy, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.OutputSection
- setParallelism(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSA
- setParam(int, String, Object) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- setParent(Task) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- setPopulation(double) - Method in class jline.lang.ClosedClass
- setPriority(int) - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- setProb(double) - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- setProbability(double) - Method in class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- setProbFun(SerializableFunction<Pair<Map<Node, Matrix>, Map<Node, Matrix>>, Double>) - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- setProbRouting(JobClass, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- setProbRouting(JobClass, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ClassSwitch
- setProbRouting(JobClass, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- setProcess(Map<Integer, Matrix>) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Det
- setProcess(MatrixCell) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- setRandomNumbersMatlab(boolean) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- setRate(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Markovian
- setRead(JobClass, Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
Set the read policy for a job class
- setReadItemEntry(JobClass, Distribution, int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- setReferenceClass(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- setReferenceStation(Station) - Method in class jline.lang.JobClass
- setReferenceStation(Station) - Method in class jline.lang.OpenClass
- setReplication(int) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Host
- setReplication(int) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- setReplyEntry(List<Entry>) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- setRequired(JobClass, double) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Join
- setRequired(JobClass, double) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.Joiner
- setResultHitProb(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- setResultMissProb(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- setRight(U) - Method in class jline.util.Pair
- setRouting(JobClass, RoutingStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- setRouting(JobClass, RoutingStrategy, Node, double) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- setRouting(Network) - Method in class jline.lang.RoutingMatrix
- setRoutingStrategy(RoutingStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.OutputStrategy
- setRow(int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- setRows(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- setSchedPolicy(SchedStrategyType) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Router
- setSchedStrategy(JobClass, SchedStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Place
- setSchedStrategyPar(JobClass, double) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Queue
- setScheduling(int, SchedStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Cache
- setSeed(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- setSeed(int) - Static method in class jline.util.ThreadLocalRandom
- setServerIdx(int) - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- setService(JobClass, Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Router
- setService(JobClass, Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceNode
- setService(JobClass, Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceStation
- setService(JobClass, Distribution, double) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceNode
- setService(JobClass, Distribution, double) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.ServiceStation
- setServiceProcess(ServiceBinding) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.InputSection
- setServiceProcess(ServiceBinding) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.RandomSource
- setServiceProcesses(ServiceBinding) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.ServiceSection
- setSimConfInt(double) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- setSimMaxRelErr(double) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- setSize(int) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.Buffer
- setSize(int) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.Storage
- setSlice(int, int, int, int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- setSliceEq(int, int, int, int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- setSn(NetworkStruct) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setSourceIdx(int) - Method in class jline.lang.NetworkAttribute
- setStartTime(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- setState(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- setState(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.StatefulNode
- setStatePrior(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.StatefulNode
- setStationIdx(int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- setStationNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- setStationNames(List<String>) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- setStrategy(JobClass, JoinStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Join
- setStrategy(JobClass, JoinStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.Joiner
- setStruct(NetworkStruct) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setStruct(NetworkStruct) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
- setStruct(NetworkStruct) - Method in class
- setT(double) - Method in class jline.lang.Event
- setTasksPerLink(int) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Fork
Sets the number of tasks sent out on each outgoing link
- setThinkTime(double) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- setThinkTime(Distribution) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- setTimeAnyClass(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- setTimeSameClass(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- setTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Logger
- setTimingStrategy(Mode, TimingStrategy) - Method in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- setTo(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Copy values of the input matrix
- setToNaN() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- setTranAvgResults(Matrix[][], Matrix[][], Matrix[][], Matrix[][], Matrix[][], Matrix[][], double) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- setTranHandles() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- setTranProb() - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- setTrue(String) - Method in class jline.lang.FeatureSet
- setTrue(String[]) - Method in class jline.lang.FeatureSet
- setUsedLangFeature(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- setVerbose(VerboseLevel) - Method in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- setVersion(String) - Method in class jline.lang.Model
- setVisits(JobClass, Station, double) - Method in class jline.lang.Chain
- SFIFO - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
- SharedServer - Class in jline.lang.sections
A server shared by multiple jobs simultaneously
- SharedServer(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.SharedServer
- shrinkNumCols(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Reduce the maximum number of columns
- shrinkNumRows(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Reduce the maximum number of rows
- SILENT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.VerboseLevel
- simDoc - Variable in class jline.solvers.jmt.DocumentSectionPair
- simDoc - Variable in class jline.solvers.jmt.ElementDocumentPair
- simElem - Variable in class jline.solvers.jmt.ElementDocumentPair
- SimilarityMatrixForVectors(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.BUTOOLS
- simpleHitMiss(int, int) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- simpleHitMiss(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- simpleHitMiss(int, int, Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.CacheClassSwitcher
- simplex_fun(double[], Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- simplexquad(Function<double[], Double>, int, int, double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- simplexQuadResult(double, double[], int) - Constructor for class jline.util.Maths.simplexQuadResult
- singleton(double) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Sink - Class in jline.lang.nodes
An abstraction of the external world jobs in open classes depart to
- Sink - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Sink(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Sink
- sir - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateMarginalStatistics
- SIRO - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- size - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Buffer
- size - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Enabling
- size - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Storage
- size() - Method in class jline.lang.Ensemble
- size() - Method in class jline.util.MatrixCell
- SJF - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- SMCSolver - Class in jline.lib.thirdparty
- SMCSolver() - Constructor for class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- sn - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult
- sn - Variable in class jline.solvers.mva.MVARunner
- sn - Variable in class
- sn - Variable in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- sn - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSAResult
- sn - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SSAValues
- SN - Class in jline.api
APIs to process NetworkStruct objects.
- SN - Variable in class jline.solvers.LayeredSolverResult
- SN() - Constructor for class jline.api.SN
- sncopy - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- snDeaggregateChainResults(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- snDeaggregateChainResults(NetworkStruct, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Calculate class-based performance metrics for a queueing network based on performance measures of its chains
- snGetAvgArvRFromTput(NetworkStruct, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Calculates the average arrival rates at each station from the network throughputs.
- snGetDemands() - Constructor for class
- snGetDemandsChain(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- snGetDemandsChain(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Calculate new queueing network parameters after aggregating classes into chains
- snGetProductFormChainParams() - Constructor for class
- snGetProductFormChainParams(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Calculate the parameters at class and chain level for a queueing network model
- snGetProductFormParams() - Constructor for class
- snGetProductFormParams(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Calculate the parameters at class level for a queueing network model
- snGetStateAggr(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Aggregates the state of the network.
- snHasClassSwitching(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network uses class-switching
- snHasClosedClasses(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network has one or more closed classes
- snHasDPS(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasDPSPRIO(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasFCFS(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasForkJoin(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network uses fork and/or join nodes
- snHasGPS(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasGPSPRIO(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasHOL(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasHomogeneousScheduling(NetworkStruct, SchedStrategy) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network uses an identical scheduling strategy at every station
- snHasINF(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasLCFS(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasLCFSPR(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasLEPT(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasLJF(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasLoadDependence(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network has a station with load-dependent service process
- snHasMixedClasses(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network has both open and closed classes
- snHasMultiChain(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasMultiClass(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasMultiClassFCFS(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasMultiClassHeterExpFCFS(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network has one or more stations with multiclass heterogeneous FCFS and exponential service
- snHasMultiClassHeterFCFS(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network has one or more stations with multiclass heterogeneous FCFS
- snHasMultiServer(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasOpenClasses(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network has one or more open classes
- snHasPriorities(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network uses class priorities
- snHasProductForm(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network has a known product-form solution
- snHasProductFormExceptMultiClassHeterExpFCFS(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network satisfies product-form assumptions except multiclass heterogeneous FCFS
- snHasPS(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasPSPRIO(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasSEPT(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasSingleChain(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasSingleClass(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasSIRO(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snHasSJF(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
- snIsClosedModel(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network model is closed.
- snIsMixedModel(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network is a mixed model.
- snIsOpenModel(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network is an open model.
- snIsStateValid(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Checks if the network state is valid.
- snPrintRoutingMatrix(NetworkStruct) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Prints the routing matrix of the network for all classes.
- snPrintRoutingMatrix(NetworkStruct, JobClass) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Prints the routing matrix of the network, optionally for a specific job class.
- snRefreshVisits(NetworkStruct, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.api.SN
Reculate the visits to each node
- softmin(double, double, double) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Softmin function.
- sojournTimes - Variable in class
- solve(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.AMVAHandler
- solve(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.AMVALDHandler
- solve(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.MVAHandler
- solve(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.MVALDHandler
- solve(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Method in interface jline.solvers.mva.handlers.MVASolverHandler
- solve(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.QNAHandler
- solve(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- solver - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- solver - Variable in class
- solver - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- solver(int, int, UnivariateFunction, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.customromberg
- Solver - Class in jline.solvers
- Solver(String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.Solver
- Solver(String, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.Solver
- Solver(Model, String, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.Solver
- solver_amvald_forward(List<Matrix>, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, double, Matrix, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>, NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Method in class jline.solvers.mva.handlers.AMVALDHandler
- solver_mam(NetworkStruct) - Method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- solver_mam_analyser(NetworkStruct) - Method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- solver_mam_basic(NetworkStruct) - Method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- solver_mam_passage_time(NetworkStruct, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, MatrixCell>>) - Method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- solver_mna(NetworkStruct) - Method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- solver_mna_closed(NetworkStruct) - Method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- solver_nc(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Static method in class
- solver_nc_joint(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Static method in class
- solver_nc_marg(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions, Double) - Static method in class
- solver_ncld(NetworkStruct, SolverOptions) - Static method in class
- solver_ssa(EventCache) - Method in class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSA
- SolverAvgHandles - Class in jline.solvers
- SolverAvgHandles(Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- SolverCTMC - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCTMC(Network, Object...) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- SolverCTMC(Network, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCTMC.CtmcSsgResult - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCTMC.generatorResult - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCTMC.SolverCtmcJointResult - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCTMC.StateSpace - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCTMC.StochCompResult - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCTMC.SupportResult - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCTMC.symbolicResult - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCtmcJointResult(Matrix, double, String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.SolverCtmcJointResult
- SolverCTMCResult - Class in jline.solvers.ctmc
- SolverCTMCResult(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Map<Integer, Matrix>, double[][][], double[][][], NetworkStruct) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMCResult
- SolverEnv - Class in jline.solvers.env
- SolverEnv(Env, NetworkSolver[]) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- SolverEnv(Env, NetworkSolver[], SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- SolverFactory - Interface in jline.solvers.ln
- SolverFluid - Class in jline.solvers.fluid
- SolverFluid(Network) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- SolverFluid(Network, Object...) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- SolverFluid(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- SolverFluid(Network, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- SolverFluidResult - Class in jline.solvers.fluid
- SolverFluidResult() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluidResult
- SolverJMT - Class in jline.solvers.jmt
- SolverJMT(Network) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- SolverJMT(Network, Object...) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- SolverJMT(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- SolverJMT(Network, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- SolverJMT(Network, SolverOptions, String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- SolverJMT.ViewMode - Enum Class in jline.solvers.jmt
- SolverJMTResult - Class in jline.solvers.jmt
- SolverJMTResult() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMTResult
- solverLN(String[]) - Static method in class
- SolverLN - Class in jline.solvers.ln
- SolverLN(LayeredNetwork) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- SolverLN(LayeredNetwork, SolverFactory) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- SolverLN(LayeredNetwork, SolverFactory, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- SolverLN(LayeredNetwork, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- SolverLN.recurActGraphReturnType - Class in jline.solvers.ln
- SolverLQNS - Class in jline.solvers.lqns
- SolverLQNS(LayeredNetwork) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- SolverLQNS(LayeredNetwork, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- SolverMAM - Class in jline.solvers.mam
- SolverMAM(Network) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- SolverMAM(Network, Object...) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- SolverMAM(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- SolverMAM(Network, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- SolverMAMResult - Class in jline.solvers.mam
- SolverMAMResult() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAMResult
- SolverMVA - Class in jline.solvers.mva
- SolverMVA(Network) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
- SolverMVA(Network, Object...) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
- SolverMVA(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
- SolverMVA(Network, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
- SolverMVAAnalyzer - Class in jline.solvers.mva.analyzers
MVA Analyzer class
- SolverMVAAnalyzer() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVAAnalyzer
- SolverMVABoundAnalyzer - Class in jline.solvers.mva.analyzers
MVA Analyzer class for bounding methods
- SolverMVABoundAnalyzer() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVABoundAnalyzer
- SolverMVACacheAnalyzer - Class in jline.solvers.mva.analyzers
MVA Analyzer class for non-rentrant caches
- SolverMVACacheAnalyzer() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVACacheAnalyzer
- SolverMVACacheQNAnalyzer - Class in jline.solvers.mva.analyzers
MVA Analyzer class for solver_mva_cacheqn_analyzer
- SolverMVACacheQNAnalyzer() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVACacheQNAnalyzer
- SolverMVALDAnalyzer - Class in jline.solvers.mva.analyzers
MVALD Analyzer
- SolverMVALDAnalyzer() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVALDAnalyzer
- SolverMVAQsysAnalyzer - Class in jline.solvers.mva.analyzers
MVA Query System analyzer
- SolverMVAQsysAnalyzer() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.analyzers.SolverMVAQsysAnalyzer
- SolverMVAResult - Class in jline.solvers.mva
- SolverMVAResult() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVAResult
- SolverNC - Class in
- SolverNC(Network) - Constructor for class
- SolverNC(Network, Object...) - Constructor for class
- SolverNC(Network, String) - Constructor for class
- SolverNC(Network, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class
- SolverNC.SolverNCJointReturn - Class in
- SolverNC.SolverNCLDReturn - Class in
- SolverNC.SolverNCMargReturn - Class in
- SolverNC.SolverNCReturn - Class in
- SolverNCAnalyzer - Class in
- SolverNCAnalyzer() - Constructor for class
- SolverNCCacheAnalyzer - Class in
- SolverNCCacheAnalyzer() - Constructor for class
- SolverNCCacheQNAnalyzer - Class in
- SolverNCCacheQNAnalyzer() - Constructor for class
- SolverNCJointReturn(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class
- SolverNCLDAnalyzer - Class in
- SolverNCLDAnalyzer() - Constructor for class
- SolverNCLDReturn(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double, double, int, String) - Constructor for class
- SolverNCMargReturn(Matrix, double, double) - Constructor for class
- SolverNCResult - Class in
- SolverNCResult() - Constructor for class
- SolverNCReturn(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, int, Matrix, double, Matrix, int, double, String) - Constructor for class
- SolverOptions - Class in jline.solvers
- SolverOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- SolverOptions(SolverType) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- SolverOptions.Config - Class in jline.solvers
- SolverOptions.ODESolvers - Class in jline.solvers
- SolverResult - Class in jline.solvers
- SolverResult() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- solvers - Variable in class jline.solvers.EnsembleSolver
- solverSpecific - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- SolverSSA - Class in jline.solvers.ssa
- SolverSSA(Network) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSA
- SolverSSA(Network, Object...) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSA
- SolverSSA(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSA
- SolverSSA(Network, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSA
- SolverSSAResult - Class in jline.solvers.ssa
- SolverSSAResult() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSAResult
- SolverSSAResult(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Map<Integer, Matrix>, Matrix, NetworkStruct) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSAResult
- SolverTranHandles - Class in jline.solvers
- SolverTranHandles(Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>, Map<Station, Map<JobClass, Metric>>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.SolverTranHandles
- SolverType - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying a named solver
- sort() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Sort the elements of the matrix
- sort_forks(NetworkStruct, NetworkStruct, Matrix, Matrix, Network) - Static method in class jline.api.FJ
Determines a directed acyclic graph of relationships among fork nodes.
- sortedMatrix - Variable in class jline.util.UniqueRowResult
- sortEq() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Sort the elements of the matrix
- Source - Class in jline.lang.nodes
An abstraction of the external world jobs in open classes come from
- Source - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Source(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Source
- space - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- space - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult.QNC
- space - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- space - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSAResult
- space_max - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- spaceAggr - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- spaceClosedMulti(int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- spaceClosedMultiCS(int, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- spaceGenerator(NetworkStruct, double, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- spaceGeneratorNodes(NetworkStruct, Matrix, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- spaceGeneratorNodesResult(Map<Station, Matrix>, NetworkStruct, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.state.State.spaceGeneratorNodesResult
- speedFactor - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Host
- sprod(int, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.PopulationLattice
- sprod(Matrix, Matrix, MatrixCell) - Static method in class jline.util.PopulationLattice
- sprodResult(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, MatrixCell) - Constructor for class jline.util.PopulationLattice.sprodResult
- sqrt() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- square() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- SS - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult
- SSA - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
- SSAOptions - Class in jline.solvers.ssa
- SSAOptions() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ssa.SSAOptions
- SSAValues - Class in jline.solvers.ssa
- SSAValues(Matrix, Matrix, Map<Integer, Matrix>, Map<Integer, Matrix>, Map<Integer, Matrix>, Matrix, NetworkStruct) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ssa.SSAValues
- SSh - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult
- SSq - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SSAValues
- ST - Variable in class
- ST - Variable in class jline.lang.state.State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult
- STAGE - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.EventType
- starter(UnivariateFunction, double, double) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.customromberg
- startTime - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- stat(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lib.thirdparty.SMCSolver
- state - Variable in class jline.lang.Event
- state - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- state - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.ClassSwitcher.CSFunInput
- State - Class in jline.lang.state
Class modeling the state of Stateful nodes
- State(Map<StatefulNode, Matrix>, Map<StatefulNode, Matrix>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.state.State
- state_space_gen - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions.Config
- State.AfterEventResult - Class in jline.lang.state
- State.spaceGeneratorNodesResult - Class in jline.lang.state
- State.StateMarginalStatistics - Class in jline.lang.state
- State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult - Class in jline.lang.state
- State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult.QNC - Class in jline.lang.state
- statedep - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.ClassSwitcher.CSFunInput
- StateDepRouting - Class in jline.examples
Examples of models with state-dependent routing
- StateDepRouting() - Constructor for class jline.examples.StateDepRouting
- stateful - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- StatefulClassSwitcher - Class in jline.lang.sections
A class switcher that depends on its local state
- StatefulClassSwitcher(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.StatefulClassSwitcher
- StatefulClassSwitcher(List<JobClass>, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.StatefulClassSwitcher
- statefulIdx - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- StatefulNode - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A node that can have a state
- StatefulNode(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.StatefulNode
- statefulToNode - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- StatelessClassSwitcher - Class in jline.lang.sections
A class switcher that does not have a local state
- StatelessClassSwitcher(List<JobClass>, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.StatelessClassSwitcher
- StateMarginalStatistics(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, List<Matrix>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.state.State.StateMarginalStatistics
- stateprior - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- StateProbabilities - Class in jline.examples
Examples of state probability computations
- StateProbabilities() - Constructor for class jline.examples.StateProbabilities
- states - Variable in class
- stateSpace - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.StateSpace
- stateSpace - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.symbolicResult
- stateSpace - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMCResult
- StateSpace - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- StateSpace(Matrix, Map<Integer, Matrix>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.StateSpace
- StateSpaceAggr - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- StateSpaceGeneratorResult(Matrix, Matrix, NetworkStruct) - Constructor for class jline.lang.state.State.StateSpaceGeneratorResult
- station - Variable in class jline.lang.Metric
- Station - Class in jline.lang.nodes
A node where jobs can spend time stationing there
- Station(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Station
- stationIdx - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Node
- stationIndexMap - Variable in class jline.lang.Chain
- stations - Variable in class jline.lang.Chain
- stations - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- stationToNode - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- stationToStateful - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- STchain - Variable in class
- STD - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.JoinStrategy
- STD - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.VerboseLevel
- STeff - Variable in class
- STeff - Variable in class
- stiff - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- StochCompResult(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.StochCompResult
- StochPetriNet - Class in jline.examples
Examples of stochastic Petri net models
- StochPetriNet() - Constructor for class jline.examples.StochPetriNet
- Storage - Class in jline.lang.sections
Input buffer of a Place in a Stochatic Petri net model
- Storage(List<JobClass>) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Storage
- sub(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sub(double, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sub_jsq(int, int, int, int, Matrix, Map<Node, Matrix>, Map<Node, Matrix>) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- sub_rr_wrr(int, int, int, int, Matrix, Map<Node, Matrix>, Map<Node, Matrix>) - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- sub2ind(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- subEq(double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- subEq(double, Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- subEq(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumAbsCols(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumAbsRows(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumCols() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumCols(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumCols(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumCumprod(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- summary() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- summary() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- sumRows() - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- sumRows() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumRows(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumRows(int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumSubMatrix(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumSubMatrix(int[], int[]) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- sumSubMatrix(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- support - Variable in class jline.lang.processes.Distribution
- SupportResult(boolean, FeatureSet, FeatureSet) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.SupportResult
- supports(Ensemble) - Static method in class jline.solvers.env.SolverEnv
- supports(Ensemble) - Static method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- supports(FeatureSet, FeatureSet) - Static method in class jline.lang.FeatureSet
Checks if the used features are supported by the given solver
- supports(Network) - Static method in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC
- supports(Network) - Static method in class jline.solvers.fluid.SolverFluid
- supports(Network) - Static method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- supports(Network) - Static method in class jline.solvers.lqns.SolverLQNS
- supports(Network) - Static method in class jline.solvers.mam.SolverMAM
- supports(Network) - Static method in class jline.solvers.mva.SolverMVA
Checks whether the given model is supported by the MVA solver
- supports(Network) - Static method in class
Checks whether the given model is supported by the NC solver
- supports(Network) - Static method in class jline.solvers.Solver
- supports(Network) - Static method in class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSA
- svcreset - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- SwitchoverTimes - Class in jline.examples
Examples of models with switchover times
- SwitchoverTimes() - Constructor for class jline.examples.SwitchoverTimes
- sylv(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- symbolicResult(Matrix, Map<Integer, Matrix>, Map<Integer, Sync>, Matrix, Map<Integer, Matrix>) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.symbolicResult
- sync - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- Sync - Class in jline.lang
A declaration of a synchronization on a NetworkEvent
- Sync() - Constructor for class jline.lang.Sync
- SYNC - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.CallType
- syncCallDests - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- syncCallMeans - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- synchCall(String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- synchCall(String, double) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- synchCall(Entry) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- synchCall(Entry, double) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.Activity
- syncInfo - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.symbolicResult
- SysDropR - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- SysPower - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- SysQLen - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- SysRespT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- system(String) - Static method in class
Executes a system command and returns its output as a String.
- SysTput - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- SysUtils - Class in
Functions for interfacing with JMT, JLQN, and the operating system
- SysUtils() - Constructor for class
- t - Variable in class jline.lang.Event
- t - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.AVG
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class
- T - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- T_1 - Variable in class
- T_1 - Variable in class
- talbot - Class in jline.lib.ltinversion
- talbot() - Constructor for class jline.lib.ltinversion.talbot
- tandem(Matrix, Matrix, SchedStrategy[], Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- tandemFcfs(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- tandemFcfsInf(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- tandemFcfsInf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- tandemFcfsInf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- tandemPs(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- tandemPsInf(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- tandemPsInf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- tandemPsInf(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.Network
- Task - Class in jline.lang.layered
A LayeredNetwork entity that can host services specified in the form of Entry objects and that runs on a Host
- Task(LayeredNetwork, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Task
- Task(LayeredNetwork, String, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Task
- Task(LayeredNetwork, String, int, SchedStrategy) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Task
- Task(LayeredNetwork, String, int, SchedStrategy, Distribution) - Constructor for class jline.lang.layered.Task
- TASK - Static variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkElement
- taskgraph - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- taskPerLink - Variable in class jline.lang.sections.Forker
- tasks - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Host
- tasks - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- tasksof - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- temp_ensemble - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- test_activityGraph_and() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- test_activityGraph_or() - Static method in class jline.Scratch
- test_closedModel_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_closedModel_3() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_closedModel_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_closedModel_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_closedModel_8() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_closedModel_9() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_CQN_JMT_2() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_forkJoinCS_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.ForkJoinModel
- test_function() - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cyclic_queues
- test_mixedModel_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_openModel_1() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_openModel_1b() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_randomEnvironment_4() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test_randomEnvironment_5() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test0() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test1() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test2() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test3() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test35() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- test4() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- testAllPrecedences() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- testAndForkJoin() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- testLoop() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- TestModels - Class in jline.examples
Assorted test models
- TestModels() - Constructor for class jline.examples.TestModels
- testOfBizFCFS() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- testOrForkJoin() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- testSimple() - Static method in class jline.examples.TestModels
- tget(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- tget(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- tget(String) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- tget(String, String) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- tget(String, String) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- tget(String, String) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- tget(String, String) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- tget(Chain) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- tget(Node, JobClass) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeChainTable
- tget(Node, JobClass) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- tget(Station, JobClass) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgChainTable
- tget(Station, JobClass) - Method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- tget(NetworkAvgNodeTable, String) - Static method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- tget(NetworkAvgNodeTable, String, String) - Static method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgNodeTable
- tget(NetworkAvgSysTable, String) - Static method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgSysTable
- tget(NetworkAvgTable, String) - Static method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- tget(NetworkAvgTable, String, String) - Static method in class jline.solvers.NetworkAvgTable
- think - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- thinkproc - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- thinkt - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- thinkt_classes_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- thinkTime - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- thinkTimeMean - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- thinkTimeSCV - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.Task
- thinktproc - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- ThreadLocalRandom - Class in jline.util
A class for random number generation in separate threads
- ThreadLocalRandom() - Constructor for class jline.util.ThreadLocalRandom
- timeAnyClass - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- TIMED - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.TimingStrategy
- timeSameClass - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- timespan - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- timestamp - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- Timing - Class in jline.lang.sections
A service section of a Transition in a stochastic Petri net model
- Timing() - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Timing
- Timing(String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.sections.Timing
- timingStrategies - Variable in class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- TimingStrategy - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying timing strategies at Petri net transitions
- TN - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- TN - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- TNt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- to_invert(int, int, ArrayList<Double>) - Static method in class jline.lib.ltinversion.cyclic_queues
- toArray1D() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- toArray2D() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- toDMatrixSparseCSC() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- toDMatrixSparseCSC(Matrix) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- toDouble() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- toDoubleList() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- toFeature(ActivityPrecedenceType) - Static method in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- toFeature(ReplacementStrategy) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
- toFeature(RoutingStrategy) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
- toFeature(SchedStrategy) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- toId(ActivityPrecedenceType) - Static method in class jline.lang.constant.ActivityPrecedenceType
- toId(ReplacementStrategy) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
- toID(SchedStrategy) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- toIntArray1D() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- tol - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- toList1D() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- toMap() - Method in class jline.util.MatrixCell
- toMarginal(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- toMarginalAggr(NetworkStruct, int, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.state.State
- toMatrix() - Method in class jline.solvers.AvgTable
- toMetricType(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- toString() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- toString() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.HyperExp
- toString() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- toText(DropStrategy) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.DropStrategy
- toText(ProcessType) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- toText(SchedStrategy) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
- toTimeReversed() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MAP
- toTimeReversed() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMAP
- toTimeReversed() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MarkedMMPP
- toTimeReversed() - Method in class jline.lang.processes.MMPP2
- totiter - Variable in class
- totiter - Variable in class
- tput - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- Tput - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- tputproc - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- TputSink - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- Trace - Class in jline.lang.processes
Alias for the Replayer class
- Trace(Object) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Trace
- TRACE - Class in jline.api
APIs for statistical analysis of trace data.
- TRACE - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- TRACE() - Constructor for class jline.api.TRACE
- trace_mean(double[]) - Static method in class jline.api.TRACE
Computes the overall mean of the trace data.
- trace_var(double[]) - Static method in class jline.api.TRACE
Computes the variance of the trace data.
- Tran - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult
- TRAN() - Constructor for class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.TRAN
- tranHandles - Variable in class jline.solvers.NetworkSolver
- TranQLen - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- TranRespT - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- TransientDataHandler - Class in jline.solvers.fluid.odes
- TransientDataHandler(int) - Constructor for class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.TransientDataHandler
- Transition - Class in jline.lang.nodes
Transition as in a stochastic Petri net model
- Transition - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
- Transition(Network, String) - Constructor for class jline.lang.nodes.Transition
- transpose() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- transpose(double[][]) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
Transposes a 2D array of values.
- tranSync - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSAResult
- tranSync - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SSAValues
- tranSysState - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SolverSSAResult
- tranSysState - Variable in class jline.solvers.ssa.SSAValues
- TranTput - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- TranUtil - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- tshift - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- tsubtb - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.nrl_h
- tsubtb - Variable in class jline.util.Maths.nrp_h
- Tt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- Tt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverTranHandles
- tVec - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.MethodStepHandler
- tVec - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.TransientDataHandler
- type - Variable in class jline.lang.JobClass
- type - Variable in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetworkStruct
- type - Variable in class jline.lang.Metric
- u - Variable in class
- u - Variable in class
- u - Variable in class
- u - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.CTMCResult.AVG
- U - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class
- U - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- UN - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- UN - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- UNBOUNDED - Static variable in class jline.lang.FiniteCapacityRegion
- UndirectedGraph - Class in jline.util
An undirected graph used for routing and class-switching matrices.
- UndirectedGraph(Matrix) - Constructor for class jline.util.UndirectedGraph
- UndirectedGraph(Matrix, Set<Integer>) - Constructor for class jline.util.UndirectedGraph
- Uniform - Class in jline.lang.processes
A continuous Uniform distribution
- Uniform(double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Uniform
- UNIFORM - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- unique(List<T>) - Static method in class jline.util.Utils
- unique_route_prob_updmap - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- uniqueInCol(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- uniqueInRow(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- uniqueNonNegativeInCol(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- uniqueNonNegativeInRow(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- uniqueNonZerosInCol(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- uniqueNonZerosInRow(int) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- uniquePerms(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Maths
- uniqueRowIndexes(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- UniqueRowResult - Class in jline.util
- UniqueRowResult(Matrix, Matrix, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>) - Constructor for class jline.util.UniqueRowResult
- uniqueRows(Matrix) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- unLink() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- unsafe_set(int, int, double) - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
Fast version of set that does not check bounds
- UNt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- updateClasses(List<JobClass>) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.StatelessClassSwitcher
- updateClassSwitch(Matrix) - Method in class jline.lang.sections.StatelessClassSwitcher
- updateLayers(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- updateMetrics(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- updateMetricsDefault(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- updatePopulations(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- updateRate(double) - Method in class jline.lang.processes.Exp
- updateRoutingProbabilities(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- updateThinkTimes(int) - Method in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- Ut - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- Ut - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverTranHandles
- util - Variable in class jline.solvers.ln.SolverLN
- Util - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
- Utils - Class in jline.util
Miscellaneous utilities
- Utils() - Constructor for class jline.util.Utils
- v - Variable in class
- V - Variable in class
- V - Variable in class
- value - Variable in class jline.util.NamedParam
- value() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- value(double[]) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing.CMAESObjectiveFunction
- value(double[]) - Method in class jline.solvers.fluid.smoothing.PStarOptimisationFunction
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.CallType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.DropStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.JobClassType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.JoinStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ServiceStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.TimingStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.VerboseLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT.ViewMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.CallType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.DropStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.JobClassType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.JoinStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.MetricType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.NodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ReplacementStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SchedStrategyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.ServiceStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.SolverType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.TimingStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.lang.constant.VerboseLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT.ViewMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- Vchain - Variable in class
- verbose - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- verbose(boolean) - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- verbose(VerboseLevel) - Method in class jline.solvers.SolverOptions
- Verbose - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- VerboseLevel - Enum Class in jline.lang.constant
Constants for specifying a solver verbosity level
- Version - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- vi - Variable in class jline.util.UniqueRowResult
- view() - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- view() - Method in class jline.lang.Network
- viewModel(String) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- viewModel(String, String) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- viewModel(String, String, SolverJMT.ViewMode) - Static method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- viewModel(String, SolverJMT.ViewMode) - Static method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- visits - Variable in class jline.lang.Chain
- visits - Variable in class jline.lang.NetworkStruct
- vj - Variable in class jline.util.UniqueRowResult
- W - Variable in class
- W - Variable in class
- W - Variable in class
- W - Variable in class
- W - Variable in class
- W - Variable in class
- W - Static variable in class
- W - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverAvgHandles
- WaitingQueue - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.DropStrategy
- weaklyConnect(Matrix, Set<Integer>) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
Weakly-connected components of a sub-matrix.
- Weibull - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Weibull distribution
- Weibull(double, double) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Weibull
- WEIBULL - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.ProcessType
- weights - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- withMemory - Variable in class jline.lang.NodeParam
- WN - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- writeJLQN(String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- writeJLQN(String, boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- writeJMVA(NetworkStruct, String, SolverOptions) - Static method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- writeJSIM(NetworkStruct) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- writeJSIM(NetworkStruct, String) - Method in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- writeXML(String) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- writeXML(String, boolean) - Method in class jline.lang.layered.LayeredNetwork
- writeXML(String, Document) - Static method in class
Writes the given XML Document object to a specified output file.
- WRROBIN - Enum constant in enum class jline.lang.constant.RoutingStrategy
- x - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- X - Variable in class
- xi - Variable in class
- xi - Variable in class
- XN - Variable in class jline.solvers.ctmc.SolverCTMC.AnalyzerResult
- XN - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- XNt - Variable in class jline.solvers.SolverResult
- Xor(String, List<String>, Matrix) - Static method in class jline.lang.layered.ActivityPrecedence
Creates an ActivityPrecedence object representing an XOR relationship.
- XSI_NO_NAMESPACE_SCHEMA_LOCATION - Static variable in class jline.solvers.jmt.SolverJMT
- xVec - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.MethodStepHandler
- xVec - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.odes.TransientDataHandler
- xvec_it - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsAnalyzer
- xvec_it - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.MatrixMethodAnalyzer
- xvec_t - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.ClosingAndStateDepMethodsAnalyzer
- xvec_t - Variable in class jline.solvers.fluid.analyzers.MatrixMethodAnalyzer
- Z - Variable in class
- Z - Variable in class
- Z - Variable in class
- Z - Variable in class
- Z - Variable in class
- zero() - Method in class jline.util.ComplexMatrix
- zero() - Method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Zero - Static variable in class jline.lang.constant.GlobalConstants
- zeros(int, int) - Static method in class jline.util.Matrix
- Zipf - Class in jline.lang.processes
A Zipf-like probability distribution
- Zipf(double, int) - Constructor for class jline.lang.processes.Zipf
Construct a Zipf-like distribution
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