Package jline.cli

Class LineCLI


public class LineCLI extends Object
The LineCLI class provides a command-line interface for configuring and running the LINE Solver. It supports various options for input and output formats, solvers, analysis types, and more. This class includes a static method to parse command-line arguments and set the appropriate configuration options.
  • Constructor Details

    • LineCLI

      public LineCLI()
      Default constructor for the LineCLI class.
  • Method Details

    • parseArgs

      public static String parseArgs(String[] varargin) throws IOException
      Parses the command-line arguments provided to configure the LINE Solver. This method processes various options such as input and output file formats, solver selection, analysis type, server mode, and others.
      varargin - an array of strings representing the command-line arguments.
      a string, currently unused, but can be extended to return status or configuration details.
      IOException - if an input or output exception occurs.