Package jline.api



public class LOSSN extends Object
APIs for stochastic models of loss networks
  • Constructor Details

    • LOSSN

      public LOSSN()
  • Method Details

    • lossn_erlangfp

      public static Ret.lossnErlangFP lossn_erlangfp(Matrix nuVec, Matrix Amat, Matrix cVec)
      This method calculates the Erlang fixed point approximation for loss networks.

      Calls (jobs) on route (class) r arrive according to a Poisson rate nu_r, r=1,...,R. Call service times on route r have unit mean.

      The link capacity requirements are defined as: sumr A(j, r) n(j, r) < C(j) for all links j=1,...,J, where n(j, r) counts the calls on route r on link j.

      nuVec - A Matrix (1xR) representing the arrival rate of route (class) r = 1,...,R.
      Amat - A Matrix (J,R) representing the capacity requirement of link j for route r = 1,...,R.
      cVec - A Matrix (J,1) representing the available capacity of link j.
      lossnErlangFPReturn which contains: - qLen (1xR): mean queue-length for route r = 1,...,R calls. - loss (1xR): loss probability for route r = 1,...,R calls. - eBlock (Jx1): blocking probability for link j = 1,...,J.

      Note: nu_r may be replaced by a utilization rho_r=nu_r/mu_r, where mu_r is the service rate for route r. Example: lossn_erlangfp(new Matrix("[0.3,0.1]"), new Matrix("[1,1;1,4]"), new Matrix("[1,3]")).qLen.print();

    • ErlangB

      public static double ErlangB(double nu, double C)
      Calculates the Erlang B formula for a given arrival rate and capacity.

      The Erlang B formula is used to compute the blocking probability in a loss system where calls arrive according to a Poisson process and there are a fixed number of servers.

      nu - The traffic intensity or offered load, which is the product of the arrival rate and the average service time.
      C - The total capacity or number of servers.
      The blocking probability, which is the probability that a call is blocked due to all servers being busy.