
Class Ret.cacheMVA

Enclosing class:

public static class Ret.cacheMVA extends Object
Represents the return type for the cache MVA (Mean Value Analysis) computations. This class encapsulates the results including various probability matrices and other related metrics.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • cacheMVA

      public cacheMVA(Matrix pi, Matrix pi0, Matrix pij, Matrix x, Matrix u, int E)
      Constructor for initializing the cacheMVAReturn object.
      pi - - Matrix representing the cache state probabilities.
      pi0 - - Matrix representing the initial state probabilities.
      pij - - Matrix representing the cache state probabilities for specific items and levels.
      x - - Matrix representing additional metric data.
      u - - Matrix representing another computed metric.
      E - - Integer representing an additional metric or counter.