Package jline.api
Class PFQN
APIs for evaluating Product-Form Queueing Networks.
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Ret.pfqnNcXQ
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SolverOptions options) Run a normalizing constant solution method in a load-independent modelstatic Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Run a normalizing constant solution method in a load-dependent modelprotected static Ret.pfqnLinearizerCore
(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, Matrix Q, Matrix[] Delta, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter, Matrix alpha) Core method for the extended general form linearizer.protected static Ret.pfqnLinearizerEstimate
(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, Matrix Q, Matrix[] Delta, Matrix W, Matrix alpha) Estimate method for the extended general form linearizer.protected static Ret.pfqnLinearizerForwardMVA
(Matrix L, int M, int R, SchedStrategy[] type, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, Matrix[] Q_1) Forward Mean Value Analysis method for the extended general form linearizer.protected static Ret.pfqnLinearizerMSCore
(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, Matrix nservers, Matrix Q, Matrix P, Matrix PB, Matrix[] Delta, Matrix type, double tol, int maxiter) protected static Ret.pfqnLinearizerMSEstimate
(int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix nservers, Matrix Q, Matrix P, Matrix PB, Matrix[] Delta) protected static Ret.pfqnLinearizerMSForwardMVA
(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, Matrix nservers, Matrix type, Matrix[] Q_1, Matrix[] P_1, Matrix PB_1) static Ret.pfqnAMVA
AQL approximate MVA for a closed queueing network model.static Ret.pfqnAMVA
AQL approximate MVA for a closed queueing network model.static Ret.pfqnAMVA
AQL approximate MVA for a closed queueing network model.static Ret.pfqnAMVA
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnAMVA
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnAMVA
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnAMVA
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnAMVA
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnAMVA
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnNc
Compute the normalizing constant using the convolution algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnNc
Compute the normalizing constant using the convolution algorithmstatic Matrix
(Matrix nvec, Map<Station, SerializableFunction<Matrix, Double>> cdscaling, List<Station> stations) Evaluate class-dependent (CD) scaling functionstatic Ret.pfqnComomrm
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Integer m, double atol) Compute the normalizing constant of a repairmen model using COMOMstatic Ret.pfqnComomrmLd
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Run the COMOM normalizing constant solution method on a repairman modelstatic Ret.pfqnAMVAMS
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z) static Ret.pfqnAMVAMS
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, int[] nservers) static Ret.pfqnAMVAMS
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, int[] nservers, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter) static Ret.pfqnCore
(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, int[] nservers, Matrix Q, Matrix P, Matrix PB, MatrixCell Delta, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter) static Ret.pfqnEstimate
(int M, int R, Matrix N_1, int[] nservers, Matrix Q, Matrix P, Matrix PB, MatrixCell Delta, Matrix W) static Ret.pfqnForwardMVA
(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, int[] nservers, SchedStrategy[] type, MatrixCell Q_1, MatrixCell P_1, Matrix PB_1, Matrix T_1) static Ret.pfqnNc
Cubature method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network modelstatic Ret.pfqnNc
Cubature method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network modelstatic Ret.pfqnAMVA
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter, Matrix alpha) Extended general form linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithm.static Ret.pfqnFnc
Compute scaling factor of a load-dependent functional server use to calculate the meanstatic Ret.pfqnFnc
Compute scaling factor of a load-dependent functional server use to calculate the mean instantiated with scaling constant c.static Ret.pfqnAMVA
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter, double alpha) static Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Compute the normalizing constant of a single-class load-dependent closed queueing network modelstatic Ret.pfqnNcComplex
(ComplexMatrix L, Matrix N, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Compute the normalizing constant of a single-class load-dependent closed queueing network model with complex demands.static Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Auxiliary function used by pfqn_gld to computer the normalizing constant in a single-class load-dependent model.static Ret.pfqnNcComplex
(ComplexMatrix L, Matrix N, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Auxiliary function used by pfqn_gld to computer the normalizing constant in a single-class load-dependent model with complex demands.static Ret.pfqnNc
Knessl-Tier asymptotic expansion of the normalizing constant using the ray method.static Ret.pfqnNc
Logistic expansion method to compute the normalizing constantprotected static Ret.pfqnLeFpi
(Matrix L, Matrix N) Fixed-point iteration used in the logistic expansion methodprotected static Ret.pfqnLeFpiZ
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z) Fixed-point iteration used in the logistic expansion method in models with delaysprotected static Matrix
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix u0) Auxiliary function to compute the Hessian used in the logistic expansion methodprotected static Matrix
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix u, double v) Auxiliary function to compute the Hessian used in the logistic expansion method in models with delaysstatic Ret.pfqnAMVA
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SchedStrategy[] type) Linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnAMVA
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol) Linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnAMVA
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter) Linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithmstatic Ret.pfqnAMVAMS
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix nservers) Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizerstatic Ret.pfqnAMVAMS
Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizerstatic Ret.pfqnAMVAMS
Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizerstatic Ret.pfqnAMVAMS
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix nservers, Matrix type, double tol, int maxiter) Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizer as described in Conway 1989, Fast Approximate Solution of Queueing Networks with Multi-Server Chain- Dependent FCFS Queues.static Ret.pfqnAMVA
(Matrix lambda, Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix nservers, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter, String method) Linearizer method for mixed models with multi-server stationsstatic Matrix
(Matrix n, Matrix lldscaling, Matrix nservers) Evaluate limited-load dependent (LLD) functionstatic Ret.pfqnNc
Logistic sampling method to compute the normalizing constantstatic Ret.pfqnNc
Logistic sampling method to compute the normalizing constantprotected static double
(double[] x, int K, int M, double eta, double eN, Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z) Auxiliary function used in the logistic sampling methodstatic Ret.pfqnNc
static Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z) static Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Integer m) Compute the normalizing constant of a repairmen model using Gauss-Legendre integrationstatic Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, int samples) static Matrix
(int N, int m, int c) static double
(int n, int m, int c, Matrix g) static Matrix
(Matrix mu, int k) Shifts a load-dependent scaling vector by one positionstatic Ret.pfqnMVA
static Ret.pfqnMVA
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) Algorithm for closed Product-Form Queueing Networks.static Ret.pfqnMVALD
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix mu) Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for closed networks with load dependent service and stabilizationstatic Ret.pfqnMVALD
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix mu, boolean stabilize) Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for closed networks with load dependent servicestatic Ret.pfqnMVA
Wrapper for pfqn_mvaldmx that adjusts utilizations to account for multiserversstatic Ret.pfqnMVALDMX
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for mixed queueing networks with load-dependent nodes.protected static Ret.pfqnMVALDMXEC
(Matrix lambda, Matrix D, Matrix mu) Auxiliary function used by pfqn_mvaldmx to compute the EC termsstatic Ret.pfqnMVA
General purpose script to handle mixed Query Networks with multiserver nodes.static Ret.pfqnMVA
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for open and mixed queueing networks with no multi-server nodes.static Ret.pfqnNcXQ
Main method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent modelstatic Ret.pfqnNcSanitize
(Matrix lambda, Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, double atol) Sanitizes product-form model parameters to avoid degeneraciesstatic Matrix
static Ret.pfqnNc
Main method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-dependent modelstatic double
static double
static Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z) Compute the PANACEA approximationstatic Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SolverOptions options) Compute the PANACEA approximationstatic double
(Matrix Z, Matrix n) Compute the product-form factor relatively to a Delay stationstatic Ret.pfqnNcXQ
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z) static double
(Matrix L, double N, double Z, int i) Computes the lower Geometric Bound (GB) for the queue length of the given closed single-class queueing networksstatic double
(Matrix L, double N, double Z, int i) Computes the upper Geometric Bound (GB) for the queue length of the given closed single-class queueing networksstatic Ret.pfqnRd
static Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N) RECAL method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network modelstatic Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z) RECAL method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network modelstatic Ret.pfqnNc
(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix m0) RECAL method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network modelstatic double
(Matrix L, int N, Matrix s, SolverOptions options) static double
(Matrix L, double N, double Z) Computes the low ABA for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networksstatic double
(Matrix L, double N, double Z) Computes the upper ABA for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networksstatic double
(Matrix L, double N, double Z) Computes the lower Geometric Square-Root Bound (GSB) for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networksstatic double
(Matrix L, double N, double Z) Computes the upper Geometric Square-Root Bound (GSB) for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networks
Constructor Details
public PFQN()
Method Details
RECAL method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each class- Returns:
- normalizing constant (G), its logarithm (lG))
RECAL method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each class- Returns:
- normalizing constant (G), its logarithm (lG))
RECAL method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classm0
- - vector with multiplicities of each station- Returns:
- normalizing constant (G), its logarithm (lG))
public static Ret.pfqnNcXQ pfqn_nc(Matrix lambda, Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SolverOptions options) Main method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent model- Parameters:
- - arrival rate of open classesL
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant, its logarithm, and mean performance metrics computed as a by-product
Cubature method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each class- Returns:
- normalizing constant, its logarithm, and mean performance metrics computed as a by-product
Cubature method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-independent closed queueing network model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classorder
- - cubature order ( ceil((|N|-1)/2) or above is exact)atol
- - numerical tolerance for simplex quadrature- Returns:
- normalizing constant, its logarithm, and mean performance metrics computed as a by-product
Main method to compute the normalizing constant of a load-dependent model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classmu
- - load-dependent scalingsoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Compute the normalizing constant of a single-class load-dependent closed queueing network model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classmu
- - load-depedent scalingsoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
public static Ret.pfqnNcComplex pfqn_gld_complex(ComplexMatrix L, Matrix N, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Compute the normalizing constant of a single-class load-dependent closed queueing network model with complex demands.- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classmu
- - load-depedent scalingsoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Shifts a load-dependent scaling vector by one position- Parameters:
- - load-dependent scalings- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Run a normalizing constant solution method in a load-independent model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant, its logarithm, and mean performance metrics computed as a by-product
public static Ret.pfqnComomrmLd pfqn_comomrm_ld(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Run the COMOM normalizing constant solution method on a repairman model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classmu
- - load-depedent scalingsoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
public static Ret.pfqnNc compute_norm_const_ld(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Run a normalizing constant solution method in a load-dependent model- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classmu
- - load-depedent scalingsoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Compute scaling factor of a load-dependent functional server use to calculate the mean- Parameters:
- - load-dependent scalings- Returns:
- functional server scalings
Compute scaling factor of a load-dependent functional server use to calculate the mean instantiated with scaling constant c.- Parameters:
- - load-dependent scalings- Returns:
- functional server scalings
Compute the PANACEA approximation- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each class- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Compute the PANACEA approximation- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Compute the product-form factor relatively to a Delay station- Parameters:
- - think times at the Delay stationn
- - number of jobs for each class- Returns:
- product of terms Z[k]^n[k]/n[k]! for all classes k
Compute the normalizing constant using the convolution algorithm- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each class- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Compute the normalizing constant using the convolution algorithm- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think times- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Compute the normalizing constant of a repairmen model using Gauss-Legendre integration- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think times- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Auxiliary function to compute the Hessian used in the logistic expansion method in models with delays- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think timesu
- - term appearing in the integrandv
- - term appearing in the integrand- Returns:
- Hessian matrix
Auxiliary function to compute the Hessian used in the logistic expansion method- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classu0
- - term appearing in the integrand- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Fixed-point iteration used in the logistic expansion method- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each class- Returns:
- fixed point
Fixed-point iteration used in the logistic expansion method in models with delays- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each class- Returns:
- fixed point
Logistic expansion method to compute the normalizing constant- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each class- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Logistic sampling method to compute the normalizing constant- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classI
- - number of samples- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
Logistic sampling method to compute the normalizing constant- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classI
- - number of samplesseed
- - random number generation seed- Returns:
- normalizing constant and its logarithm
protected static double pfqn_ls_helper(double[] x, int K, int M, double eta, double eN, Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z) Auxiliary function used in the logistic sampling method -
public static Ret.pfqnNcSanitize pfqn_nc_sanitize(Matrix lambda, Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, double atol) Sanitizes product-form model parameters to avoid degeneracies- Parameters:
- - arrival rates for open classesL
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classatol
- - absolute numerical tolerance- Returns:
- sanitized parameters
AQL approximate MVA for a closed queueing network model.- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each class- Returns:
- approximate performance metrics
AQL approximate MVA for a closed queueing network model.- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classmaxiter
- - maximum number of iterations- Returns:
- approximate performance metrics
AQL approximate MVA for a closed queueing network model.- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classtol
- - maximum iteration tolerancemaxiter
- - maximum number of iterations- Returns:
- approximate performance metrics
Knessl-Tier asymptotic expansion of the normalizing constant using the ray method.- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each class- Returns:
- normalizing constant (G) and its logarithm (lG)
Compute the normalizing constant of a repairmen model using COMOM- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classZ
- - think time for each classm
- - multiplicy of queueing stationatol
- - absolute numerical tolerance- Returns:
- sanitized parameters
Auxiliary function used by pfqn_gld to computer the normalizing constant in a single-class load-dependent model.- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classmu
- - load-dependent scaling factorsoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant (G) and its logarithm (lG)
public static Ret.pfqnNcComplex pfqn_gldsingle_complex(ComplexMatrix L, Matrix N, Matrix mu, SolverOptions options) Auxiliary function used by pfqn_gld to computer the normalizing constant in a single-class load-dependent model with complex demands.- Parameters:
- - demands at all stationsN
- - number of jobs for each classmu
- - load-dependent scaling factorsoptions
- - solver options- Returns:
- normalizing constant (G) and its logarithm (lG)
public static Ret.pfqnAMVAMS pfqn_conwayms(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, int[] nservers, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter) -
public static Ret.pfqnCore pfqn_conwayms_core(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, int[] nservers, Matrix Q, Matrix P, Matrix PB, MatrixCell Delta, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter) -
public static Ret.pfqnEstimate pfqn_conwayms_estimate(int M, int R, Matrix N_1, int[] nservers, Matrix Q, Matrix P, Matrix PB, MatrixCell Delta, Matrix W) -
public static Ret.pfqnForwardMVA pfqn_conwayms_forwardmva(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, int[] nservers, SchedStrategy[] type, MatrixCell Q_1, MatrixCell P_1, Matrix PB_1, Matrix T_1) -
Evaluate limited-load dependent (LLD) function- Parameters:
- Queue-length values. The values can be continuous.lldscaling
- If not null, then the LLD function uses lldscaling to interpolate continuous values of nnservers
- If not null, then the LLD function is set to be for a multi-server with nserver stations- Returns:
- Interpolated LLD function values
public static Matrix pfqn_cdfun(Matrix nvec, Map<Station, SerializableFunction<Matrix, Double>> cdscaling, List<Station> stations) Evaluate class-dependent (CD) scaling function- Parameters:
- Per-class queue-length values. The values can be continuous.cdscaling
- CD functionstations
- Station objects- Returns:
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) Algorithm for closed Product-Form Queueing Networks. Exact solution is computed for several performance measures.- Parameters:
- - service demand matrixN
- - population vectorZ
- - think timesmi
- - multiplicity vector- Returns:
- - mean value of the computed performance measures, including residence times, throughputs, number of jobs at a specific node, and utilizations.
Computes the upper Geometric Square-Root Bound (GSB) for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networks- Parameters:
- - service demand matrixN
- - populationZ
- - think time- Returns:
- - the upper GSB for the throughput
Computes the upper Geometric Bound (GB) for the queue length of the given closed single-class queueing networks- Parameters:
- - service demand matrixN
- - populationZ
- - think timei
- - station index- Returns:
- - the upper GB for the queue length
Computes the upper ABA for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networks- Parameters:
- - service demand matrixN
- - populationZ
- - think time- Returns:
- - the upper ABA for the throughput
Computes the low ABA for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networks- Parameters:
- - service demand matrixN
- - populationZ
- - think time- Returns:
- - the upper ABA for the throughput
Computes the lower Geometric Square-Root Bound (GSB) for the throughput of the given closed single-class queueing networks- Parameters:
- - service demand matrixN
- - populationZ
- - think time- Returns:
- - the lower GSB for the throughput
Computes the lower Geometric Bound (GB) for the queue length of the given closed single-class queueing networks- Parameters:
- - service demand matrixN
- - populationZ
- - think timei
- - station index- Returns:
- - the lower GB for the queue length
public static Ret.pfqnMVA pfqn_mvams(Matrix lambda, Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix mi, Matrix S) General purpose script to handle mixed Query Networks with multiserver nodes.- Parameters:
- - arrival ratesL
- - service demand matrixN
- - population vectorZ
- - think time matrixmi
- - multiplicity vectorS
- - server count for each station- Returns:
- - performance measures of the mixed query network.
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for open and mixed queueing networks with no multi-server nodes.- Parameters:
- - arrival ratesD
- - service demand matrixN
- - population vectorZ
- - think timesmi
- - multiplicity vector- Returns:
- - the performance measures for the given network.
Wrapper for pfqn_mvaldmx that adjusts utilizations to account for multiservers- Parameters:
- - arrival ratesD
- - service demand matrixN
- - population vectorZ
- - think timesS
- - servers at each station- Returns:
- - the performance measures for the given network.
public static Ret.pfqnMVALDMX pfqn_mvaldmx(Matrix lambda, Matrix D, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix mu, Matrix S) Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for mixed queueing networks with load-dependent nodes.- Parameters:
- - arrival ratesD
- - service demand matrixN
- - population vectorZ
- - think timesmu
- - load dependent ratesS
- - number of servers at each station- Returns:
- - the performance measures for the given network.
Auxiliary function used by pfqn_mvaldmx to compute the EC terms -
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for closed networks with load dependent service and stabilization -
Mean Value Analysis (MVA) method for closed networks with load dependent service- Parameters:
- - service demand matrixN
- - population vectorZ
- - think timesmu
- - load dependent service rate. mu[i][j] - load dependent service rate of the ith node when there are j jobs in itstabilize
- - whether to stabilize the probabilities or not (ensures that probabilities do not become negative)- Returns:
- - performance measures for the closed network.
Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizer -
public static Ret.pfqnAMVAMS pfqn_linearizerms(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix nservers, Matrix type) Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizer -
public static Ret.pfqnAMVAMS pfqn_linearizerms(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix nservers, Matrix type, double tol) Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizer -
public static Ret.pfqnAMVAMS pfqn_linearizerms(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix nservers, Matrix type, double tol, int maxiter) Multiserver version of Krzesinski's Linearizer as described in Conway 1989, Fast Approximate Solution of Queueing Networks with Multi-Server Chain- Dependent FCFS Queues. Minor adjustments based on De Souza-Muntz's description of the algorithm.- Parameters:
- - service demand matrixN
- - population vectorZ
- - think timesnservers
- - number of servers at each stationtype
- - scheduling discipline at each stationtol
- - max tolerance admitted between successive iterationsmaxiter
- - maximum number of iterations- Returns:
- - the performance measures of the network.
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm -
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm -
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm -
Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm -
public static Ret.pfqnAMVA pfqn_bs(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, double tol, int maxiter, Matrix QN0) Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm -
public static Ret.pfqnAMVA pfqn_bs(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, double tol, int maxiter, Matrix QN0, SchedStrategy[] type) Bard-Schweitzer approximate mean value analysis algorithm- Parameters:
- - the service demand matrixN
- - the population vectorZ
- - the think times vectortol
- - max tolerance admitted between successive iterationsmaxiter
- - maximum number of iterationsQN0
- - original queue lengthstype
- - scheduling disciplines at each station- Returns:
- - the performance metrics for this network.
Linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithm -
public static Ret.pfqnAMVA pfqn_linearizer(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol) Linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithm -
public static Ret.pfqnAMVA pfqn_linearizer(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter) Linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithm- Parameters:
- - the service demand matrixN
- - the population vectorZ
- - the think timestype
- - the types of the scheduling disciplines at each stationtol
- - max tolerance admitted between successive iterationsmaxiter
- - maximum number of iterations- Returns:
- - the performance measures for the given network
public static Ret.pfqnAMVA pfqn_gflinearizer(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter, double alpha) -
public static Ret.pfqnAMVA pfqn_egflinearizer(Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter, Matrix alpha) Extended general form linearizer approximate mean value analysis algorithm. This method performs approximate mean value analysis using an extended general form linearizer approach.- Parameters:
- - the service demand matrix, where rows represent stations and columns represent classesN
- - the population vector indicating the number of requests for each classZ
- - the think times, representing the average time between completion of one service request and the beginning of the nexttype
- - the types of scheduling disciplines (e.g., FCFS, PS) used at each stationtol
- - the maximum tolerance admitted between successive iterations, used for convergence checkingmaxiter
- - the maximum number of iterations allowed in the algorithmalpha
- - matrix of alphas, which provides weightings or adjustments for each class in the linearizer- Returns:
- - a pfqnAMVA object containing the computed performance measures: queue lengths, utilizations, response times, and throughput rates
protected static Ret.pfqnLinearizerCore egflinearizer_core(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, Matrix Q, Matrix[] Delta, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter, Matrix alpha) Core method for the extended general form linearizer. This method is responsible for iterating the linearizer steps, adjusting the queue length estimates, and checking for convergence.- Parameters:
- - the service demand matrixM
- - the number of stationsR
- - the number of classesN_1
- - adjusted population vectorZ
- - the think timesQ
- - current queue length estimatesDelta
- - array of matrices representing adjustments for the linearizertype
- - scheduling disciplines at each stationtol
- - convergence tolerancemaxiter
- - maximum number of iterationsalpha
- - matrix of alpha values for adjustments- Returns:
- - a pfqnLinearizerCore object containing the updated queue lengths, response times, throughputs, and iteration count
protected static Ret.pfqnLinearizerEstimate egflinearizer_estimate(Matrix L, int M, int R, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, Matrix Q, Matrix[] Delta, Matrix W, Matrix alpha) Estimate method for the extended general form linearizer. This method computes the intermediate estimates of the queue lengths and response times.- Parameters:
- - the service demand matrixM
- - the number of stationsR
- - the number of classesN_1
- - adjusted population vectorZ
- - the think timesQ
- - current queue length estimatesDelta
- - array of matrices representing adjustments for the linearizerW
- - response time matrixalpha
- - matrix of alpha values for adjustments- Returns:
- - a pfqnLinearizerEstimate object containing the intermediate queue length estimates
protected static Ret.pfqnLinearizerForwardMVA egflinearizer_forwardMVA(Matrix L, int M, int R, SchedStrategy[] type, Matrix N_1, Matrix Z, Matrix[] Q_1) Forward Mean Value Analysis method for the extended general form linearizer. This method computes the response times, throughputs, and queue lengths using the mean value analysis technique.- Parameters:
- - the service demand matrixM
- - the number of stationsR
- - the number of classestype
- - scheduling disciplines at each stationN_1
- - adjusted population vectorZ
- - the think timesQ_1
- - intermediate queue length estimates- Returns:
- - a pfqnLinearizerForwardMVA object containing the computed queue lengths, response times, and throughputs
public static Ret.pfqnAMVA pfqn_linearizermx(Matrix lambda, Matrix L, Matrix N, Matrix Z, Matrix nservers, SchedStrategy[] type, double tol, int maxiter, String method) Linearizer method for mixed models with multi-server stations- Parameters:
- - arrival rate of open classesL
- - the service demand matrixN
- - the population vectorZ
- - the think times vectornservers
- - number of servers at the stationstype
- - scheduling strategy typetol
- - max tolerance admitted between successive iterationsmaxiter
- - maximum number of iterationsmethod
- - solution method- Returns:
- - the performance metrics for this network